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SDMAS 2010 : Fourth International Workshop on Scalable Scalable Data Management Applications and Systems (SDMAS'10)


When Jul 12, 2010 - Jul 15, 2010
Where Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Submission Deadline Mar 16, 2010
Notification Due Apr 15, 2010
Final Version Due May 1, 2010
Categories    high performance computing   data management   storage systems   scalability

Call For Papers


Fourth International Workshop on
Scalable Data Management Applications and Systems (SDMAS'10)


The 2010 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing
Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'10)

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. 12-15 July 2010

Please visit (


SDMAS is a series of workshops that has been annually held from 2007. The
scope of SDMAS workshop is focused on scalability of data management in
computing systems in various domains.

Data management has become a key issue in many computing systems.
High-performance computing, data visualization, multimedia and data mining
systems are examples of application areas where input/output and storage are
critical issues for performance. A key challenge in those areas is how to
transfer large amounts of data in and out of large-scale systems, like
clusters, Grids and more recently in Cloud Computing environments. Another
key point is how to transfer large amount of data in a timely manner. The aim
of the workshop is to identify, discuss, and share the barriers and workarounds
that have been discovered in the storage, input/output and data management


The Fourth International Workshop on Scalable Data Management Applications and
Systems is a forum that brings together researchers and practitioners interested
in different aspects of data management systems and its applications to industry.
The workshop seeks to act as a conduit for the presentation of novel approaches
used in data management (from the hardware layer to the higher software layers)
as well as their application to research and industry.

As in previous editions, the workshop will be held along with the International
Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications
(PDPTA). PDPTA is a premier conference in the parallel and distributed computing
arena which offers the opportunity to interact with researchers and practitioners.


* Scalable file systems and storage management in:
+Grid environments.
+Cloud computing environments.
+Embedded systems.
+Sensor networks.
* Storage systems
+File systems
+Object based storage
+Block storage
+Storage management
+Energy aware storage
+Storage netowrking
+Storage on SSD's
* Scalable internet services:
+Web clusters (local and geographically distributed)
+Scalable Web applications architecture
+High performance Web services
+Scalable Web for ubiquitous computing
+Load balancing, availability and reliability of Web systems
+Web performance modeling and Web workload characterization
* High performance input/output:
+Massively parallel storage architectures
+Input/output in the multi/many-core era
+Innovative Hardware/Software tradeoffs
* Data management applications:
+Data mining and knowledge discovery
+Social networks analysis
+Data fusion
+Medical imaging
+Large scale simulations
+Scalable geographical information systems
+High-performance image processing
+Scalable data management in scientific computing
* Content delivery networks
+Large scale systems
+Caching and replication
+Reliability and fault tolerance
+Large scale streaming systems
* Storage technology and protocols
+New I/O architectures
+Storage virtualization
+I/O middleware
+Low power storage systems
* Intelligent Data Management:
+Intelligent Agents
+Knowledge Management
+Information Search and Retrieval
+Knowledge networks


Papers due: 16 March 2010.
Notification: 15 April 2010
Camera ready: 1 May 2010

J. Daniel Garcia (University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain)
Jesus Carretero (University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain)


Avery Ching (Northwestern University, USA)
Jose M. Dana (CERN, Switzerland)
Rajiv Ranjan (Univeristy of Melbourne, Australia)
Narasimha Reddy (Texas AM University)
Seetharami Seelam (IBM Research, USA)
Jose Luis Sevillano (University of Seville, Spain)
Heinz Stockinger (Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Switzerland)
Nithya Vijayakumar (Cisco Systems, USA)
Laurence T. Yang (St. Francis Xavier University, Canada)


For more information visit the workshop site at

Or contact the workshop chairs:

J. Daniel Garcia (
Jesus Carretero (

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