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STEAM Education 2020 : Special Track on STEAM Education, 24-27/08/2020, Porto, Portugal


When Aug 24, 2020 - Aug 27, 2020
Where Porto, Portugal
Submission Deadline Apr 20, 2020
Notification Due May 18, 2020
Final Version Due Jun 1, 2020
Categories    stem   STEAM   maker   education

Call For Papers

Dear Colleague,

We would like to invite you and your partners to participate

the Special Track on STEAM Education, which affiliated to the International Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning (ICITL 2020)

to be held on 24-27 August 2020 in Porto Palácio Congress Hotel & SPA, Portugal.

More detailed information:
Special Track:
ICITL 2020:

***Important Dates***
Apr. 20, 2020 - Paper submission deadline
May. 18, 2020 - Notification of paper acceptance
May. 25, 2020 - Registration begins
Jun. 01, 2020 - Camera-ready papers
Aug. 24-27, 2020 - Conference dates

*** Topics of interest ***
This track will seek original contributions in all relevant areas exploring STEAM education including (but not limited to) the following topics:
‧Application and development of STEAM education
‧Assessment and evaluation of STEAM education
‧Challenges and opportunities of STEAM education
‧Perception of teachers and students toward STEAM education
‧Affective technologies in STEAM education
‧Augmented/Virtual Reality (AR/VR) technologies in STEAM education
‧Digital games in STEAM education
‧Internet of Things (IoT) technologies in STEAM education
‧Mobile and ubiquitous technologies in STEAM education
‧Wearable technologies in STEAM education

Any submission please submit the Microsoft Word file to the corresponding track chair – Prof. Yong-Ming Huang, via email:

Track Chair & Co-Chairs
Yong-Ming Huang, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Pao-Nan Chou, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Tien-Chi Huang, National Taichung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan

P.S.: Kindly forward to your colleagues

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