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SEM4HPC 2017 : International Workshop on Software Engineering Methods for Parallel and High Performance Applications | |||||||||||
Link: http://periscope.in.tum.de/sem4hpc/ | |||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||
Call for papers
2nd International Workshop on Software Engineering Methods for Parallel and High Performance Applications (SEM4HPC 2017) Co-located with HPDC’17 Download the call for papers from http://periscope.in.tum.de/sem4hpc/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/SEM4HPC_CFP_2017.pdf Important Dates Paper submissions due: March 20, 2017 Notification to authors: April 10, 2017 Camera-ready copies: May 6, 2017 Topics of Interest You are invited to participate and submit your contributions to the SEM4HPC workshop. The areas of interest include (but will not be limited to) the following topics: Programming models, frameworks, and languages for heterogeneous parallel platforms Algorithms, models, and tools for energy-efficient computing on heterogeneous parallel platforms Tools for debugging, performance analysis, and optimizing programs for heterogeneous parallel platforms Techniques for optimizing kernels for execution on GPGPU, Intel Xeon Phi, and future heterogeneous platforms Large scale data processing and data mining using parallel platforms Innovative applications and software development case studies on building parallel enterprise applications Software Productivity Tools for developing parallel applications as well as discovering and understanding parallelism Compiler optimizations and tuning heterogeneous parallel platform Software development productivity for parallel application development Design patterns, programming abstractions for heterogeneous systems Process Model for parallel application development Program refactoring/transformation for heterogeneous platform Sustainability of parallel programming tools Submission Instructions Submissions should not exceed 8 pages formatted as per ACM proceedings format. Please use the template available from http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates. Please use the following link for submission: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sem4hpc2017 For more details, visit: http://periscope.in.tum.de/sem4hpc/ |