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Holodeck 2017 : Holonovels –  New Frontiers for Engaging Arts and Sciences in Future-Oriented Design


When Jul 14, 2017 - Jul 14, 2017
Submission Deadline May 1, 2017
Notification Due Jun 1, 2017
Final Version Due Jun 12, 2017
Categories    technology   innovation   education   design

Call For Papers

This workshop encourages creative contributions that take the form of original narrative fiction, such as science fiction prototypes (SFP), design fiction, scenario based design, or related contributions. To form a focal point for the workshop, we are asking authors to use the STAR TREK ®* HOLODECK® as inspiration for their stories and discussions. In general, a HOLODECK – a space in which simulations of people, objects and environments that seem to be real can be created and can be interacted with, is a plot device to frame stories and discussions. The Holodeck is, of course, an imaginary concept but we hope that its futuristic nature will motivate ideas that will be transferable to our own world, enabling discussion that range from concepts for new technologies to concerns about their societal or ethical use, as many Star Trek episodes have done before.
In more detail, topics we would be particularly interested in receiving 'holonovels' on (but not limited to):
·         Artificial Intelligence
·         Simulated and Virtual worlds, Telepresence
·         Virtual - Augmented - and Mixed realities (VR, AR, MR)
·         Haptic technologies
·         Cyberspace Dramas, Narrative Environments
·         Human Factors, Human-centred Design, User Experience
·         Virtual Staging and Stage Setups
·         Screenwriting Techniques (e.g. Screenplays, Storyboards)
·         Game Design
·         Social, political, legal, art or business applications
The holonovel should be essentially seen as a new medium, to be considered not just by engineers and scientists but also by artists and designers. This will ensure that many perspectives, affordances, boundaries and opportunities of this new medium can be considered before such technology actually exists. Therefore, we encourage contributions that cross professional boundaries, especially between the arts and sciences. Although papers based around fictional narratives are encouraged, we do not want to limit the content of the contributions, so we also welcome papers looking at aspects of the development of "holodecks" from any perspective.
The proceedings of the HOLODECK WORKSHOP will be published together with the proceedings of TIE 2017 by Springer and made available through LNICST. Papers must be formatted using the guideline from the guidelines from Author's kit section.

*STAR TREK, HOLODECK and related marks are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc.

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