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IFIP Summer School 2017 : 12th IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management – the Smart World Revolution


When N/A
Where Ispra
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    privacy   identity   PETS

Call For Papers

IFIP Summer School 2017-- Call for Papers / Extended Abstracts

12th IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management – the Smart World Revolution,
Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy, 3-8 September 2017

organised jointly by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working Groups 9.2, 9.6/11.7, 11.6, and Special Interest Group 9.2.2 in co-operation with the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC).

We are inviting contributions to this Summer School from students who are at the stage of preparing a master or a PhD thesis as well as young researchers and practitioners. The school is interactive in character, and is composed of plenary lectures and workshops based around Master/PhD students’ presentations. The principle is to encourage young academic and industry entrants to the privacy and identity management world to share their own ideas, build up a collegial relationship with others, gain experience in making presentations, and potentially publish a paper through the resulting book proceedings.

The Summer School takes a holistic approach to society and technology and supports interdisciplinary exchange through keynote and plenary lectures, tutorials, workshops, and research paper presentations. In particular, participants’ contributions that combine technical, legal, regulatory, socio-economic, social or societal, political, ethical, anthropological, philosophical, historical, or psychological perspectives are welcome. The interdisciplinary character of the work is fundamental to the School.

The world is in the throes of a ‘smart’ revolution, affecting many technologies. Digital data is an essential resource for economic growth, competitiveness, innovation, job creation and societal progress in general. To be exploited, data needs to flow across borders and sectors, should be smartly aggregated, and should be accessible and reusable by most stakeholders. The explosion of the phenomenon of the Internet of Things and the increasing diffusion of smart living technologies in all the layers of our society – from houses to hospitals, from cities to critical infrastructures such as energy grids – clearly demonstrate the viability and the advantages of a fully interconnected vision of a smart world. However, the same vision poses concrete concerns related to the potential antagonism between the “trend to share everything”, on the one hand, and the “citizen’s right to privacy and security”, on the other. Dilemmas concerning opportunities for discrimination, social profiling, and social exclusion also arise.

The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), adopted in April 2016, provides an overarching legislative framework that answers to the concerns regarding data protection. Simultaneously, a new Directive was adopted to protect personal data processed for the purpose of criminal law enforcement. Eight months later, the European Commission proposal for revision of the e-Privacy Directive, published in January 2017, may eventually provide an instrument to enforce not only the privacy, but also, to some extent, the security of the upper layers of the telecommunication services relevant for implementing a smartly interconnected world. One of the novelties of the proposed e-Privacy Regulation is the extension of its scope to include new functionally equivalent electronic communications services offered by Over The Top (OTT) players i.e., with no involvement of multi-system operators.

However, while these legislative instruments define the “principles to be respected and enforced”, not a lot is said about the way in which these principles should be deployed technically in different industrial and societal sectors. Technological advances such as the use of open data, big data, blockchain and sensor development in the Internet of Everything are rapidly changing the societal landscape. Questions arise about who holds what data, and where and how that data may be used. These advances challenge the way privacy and data protection should be provided, because current national regulatory mechanisms were not devised with these new technologies and possibilities in mind. What is also clear, from discussions in the general press, media and social media, there are also huge societal, social, and ethical concerns with regard to the implications of these emerging technologies both in theory and in their practical deployment.

Here, indeed, there lies a major scientific and social challenge: how to guarantee, in a homogeneous way, the preservation of privacy and other human rights in a completely heterogeneous and cross-sectoral world, without impairing the potentialities of the raising new smart technologies (IoT, big data etc.)

These questions, as well as many other current and general research issues surrounding privacy and identity management, will all be addressed by the 2017 IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management.

The School covers all aspects of privacy and identity and seeks for contributions from a broad range of disciplines (e.g., computer science, informatics, economics, ethics, law, psychology, sociology, history, political and other social sciences, surveillance studies, business and public management).

Student research papers might contribute towards application scenarios, use cases, and good practice based upon empirical research and interdisciplinary investigations; they might explore legal, regulatory historical or other issues, or report on other kinds of empirical research: for example, on social practices and effects of the use of new technologies.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Concepts
- Anonymity, pseudonymity, identity, (informed) consent, digital rights, net neutrality, trust, reputation

* Technologies and applications
- Privacy aspects of big data analytics, biometrics, cloud computing, social networks, blockchain based applications, social computing, crowdsourcing and social movements
- Health informatics (mHealth, eHealth), social care, community care, integrated care, and opportunities as well as threats to individual and community privacy, personal autonomy, and dignity
- Profiling and tracking technologies, online anonymity, surveillance, video surveillance
- Sensor networks, Internet of Things, and mobile devices
- Privacy and identity management (services, technologies, infrastructures, usability aspects, legal and socio-economic aspects), eIDs
- Privacy and security in digital citizen communications, e-mail and instant messaging.
- Privacy protection and in particular confidentiality of communications by both traditional players/incumbents and OTTs
- Privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) and transparency-enhancing technologies (TETs)

* Design
- Digital participation, participatory design, ethically-informed design, co-creation and co-collaboration, ecosystems, and social actors’ engagement in design
- Privacy-by-design, privacy-by-default, value sensitive design, and privacy impact assessment
- Usable privacy

* Enforcement and regulation
- Social accountability
- Privacy standards and seals
- Security of network and information systems
- Cybercrime and cybersecurity
- Data breaches, data retention and law enforcement
- Regulatory regimes and instruments

* Effects
- Effects of legislative or regulatory initiatives on privacy or identity
- Effects of technology on discrimination, social profiling, social exclusion, digital divides, communities, societies and cultures

* Attitudes
- Public attitudes to international, national, local or organisational security, privacy, and identity
- Corporate and organisational views on privacy and data protection measures
- Challenges facing large corporations, small- and medium-sized enterprises, micro-enterprises and entrepreneurs, and a wide range of categories of professions and occupations
- How people or organisations use new technologies and help to shape them.

Important Dates

Extended abstracts (2-4 pages)........................30 April 2017
Acceptance notification for presentation at school.....22 May 2017
Full papers for pre-proceedings.......................31 July 2017
Presentation at Summer School, feedback from participants..3-8 September 2017
First feedback review to the authors..................20 September 2017
Submission for Springer proceedings...................31 October 2017
Acceptance notification...............................24 November 2017
Camera-ready papers...................................15 December 2017

Abstract Submission format & review process
The School has a three-phase review process for submitted papers.

(1) In the first phase, papers will be selected for presentation at the school by the Summer School Programme Committee based on reviews of a short 2-4-page abstract.
The abstract submissions should contain a concise problem statement, an outline, and clear messages (they should not be about work “to be done”).
On acceptance of the abstract, authors should submit their full papers of up to 16 pages in length in Springer LNCS format. These versions of the papers will be made available to all participants in the (unreviewed) summer school pre-proceedings that will be published online.
After the summer school, authors will have the opportunity to submit their revised full papers (again in Springer LNCS format, max. 16 pages). These versions should address the questions and discussions raised on the paper during the summer school as well as in the detailed reviews provided by the Programme Committee members. They will be considered for publication in the summer school proceedings by the official IFIP publisher (Springer). The papers to be included in the final proceedings will again be reviewed and finally selected by the summer school Programme Committee. Students are expected to try to publish their work through this volume.

Call for Tutorials & Workshops
The school also seeks contributions in the form of tutorials and workshop proposals from all disciplines (e.g., computer science, informatics, economics, ethics, law, psychology, sociology, political and other social sciences, surveillance studies, business and public management). The timelines for abstract (2-4 pages) submission of these tutorial and workshop proposals are the same as those of the student papers.
Tutorials are expected to last one or two hours. Proposals should contain a short summary and state the level and background required for attendees to follow the tutorial.
Workshops are expected to last one or two hours and must produce short papers that recapitulate the outcome for inclusion in the post-proceedings. Proposals should contain a short statement summarising the topic(s) to be discussed and the expected contributions of the audience.

All paper submissions must be made in PDF format, in the Springer LNCS template, and using the Easychair System:


General Co-Chairs:
Simone Fischer-Hübner (Karlstad University)
Jean Pierre Nordvik (JRC)

Programme Committee Co-Chairs:
Marit Hansen (ULD)
Eleni Kosta (Tilburg University)
Igor Nai Fovino (JRC)

IFIP Summer School Steering Committee:
Jan Camenisch (IBM Research – Zürich), Marit Hansen (ULD), Ronald Leenes (Tilburg University), Simone Fischer-Hübner (Karlstad University), Diane Whitehouse (The Castlegate Consultancy), Charles Raab (University of Edinburgh), Anja Lehmann (IBM Research – Zürich), Ignacio Sanchez (JRC).

Local Event Chair:
Francesca Varano (JRC)

Related Resources

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