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innoLAE 2018 : Innovations in Large-Area Electronics 2018


When Jan 23, 2018 - Jan 24, 2018
Where Cambridge, UK
Submission Deadline Oct 16, 2017
Notification Due Nov 15, 2017
Categories    engineering   electrical engineering   electronics   printed electronics

Call For Papers

Large-Area Electronics (LAE) is a new way of making electronics and includes printed, flexible, plastic, organic and bio- electronics. LAE has the potential to both open up new markets for electronics and to expand existing products by adding new form factors, new cost structures and new functionality. Applications abound in high growth industrial sectors such as healthcare and medical, sport and fitness, fast moving consumer goods, automotive, the Internet of Everything, smart wearables and hybrid flexible systems. The new form factors and flexibility possible with LAE allow electronic systems to be deployed in a wide variety of non-traditional situations: in and on paper, plastic, textiles, furniture, cars and buildings, as well as on packaging and even in and on the human body.

Following the success of previous events, the innoLAE 2018 conference and exhibition will present a varied 2-day programme featuring a mix of contributions for academia and industry, highlighting the most recent and exciting innovations in LAE and new products incorporating LAE technologies, including topics such as:

1. Novel manufacturing paradigms for LAE (e.g. paper and fibre-based electronics, sheet-to-sheet and roll-to-roll flexible electronics, photonic transfer, and novel aspects of metrology, reliability and yield that are unique to LAE)
2. Emerging materials and technologies for LAE (e.g. organic and inorganic semiconductors, conductors and novel dielectrics, quantum dots, and magnetic materials stretchable, biocompatible and biodegradable substrates)
3. Flexible hybrid electronics (e.g. the combination of organic or printed electronics with thinned and unpackaged conventional semiconductor devices, stretchable hybrid electronics, novel interconnects)
4. Smart wearables and stretchable/ultra-flexible electronics (e.g. applications of stretchable and ultra-flexible electronic technologies in smart wearables)
5. Internet of Things and sensor technologies (e.g. applications of LAE-based sensors for IoT, manufacturing technologies and applications of LAE components and systems for IoT and wireless sensor networks)
6. Bio-electronics (e.g. biosensors and electronics for healthcare applications)
7. Energy harvesting and storage by or for LAE (e.g. RF, piezo, thermal and solar harvesting, printable batteries and supercapacitors)

innoLAE 2018 represents a unique opportunity to hear the latest developments from academic and industrial teams active in LAE research and technology, including keynotes and invited talks from leading international organisations.

innoLAE 2018 will offer both plenary and parallel track oral presentations, a poster session with poster prizes awarded to the most promising scientific and technical developments, an exhibition with leading companies and organizations showcasing their latest products and developments, and networking opportunities, including a reception and a conference gala dinner at Downing College, Cambridge, UK.

Guidelines for submission

Interested contributors are invited to submit a short abstract (1 page in length, including figures, font size 10pt or higher) and a short biography (up to 10 lines) to by the extended deadline 16 October 2017, indicating a preference for either oral or poster presentation and providing up to 5 keywords related to the contribution.

Industry contributors whose papers are accepted for oral presentation will be entitled to register for the conference at the academic rate of £250 (standard registration rate is £395, or £150 for students).

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