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AHA/SIHS 2011 : CFP: Reconsidering Futurism - January 2011 AHA/SIHS Panel


When Jan 6, 2011 - Jan 9, 2011
Where Boston
Submission Deadline Mar 15, 2010
Categories    futurism   fascism   politics   art

Call For Papers

CFP: “Reconsidering Futurism,” January 2011 AHA/SIHS Panel


We are planning a panel for the 2011 American Historical Association convention in Boston entitled “Reconsidering Futurism.” If approved, it would appear under the auspices of the Society for Italian Historical Studies.

On the hundredth anniversary of Futurism in 2009 there were a number of conferences, exhibits, and symposia that celebrated the event. Often times, however, much of the attention was focused on extolling the cultural influence of the movement and the emphasis was on the period of “First” or “Heroic” Futurism.

We are looking for papers that specifically question the standard notions of any aspect of Futurism and promote new areas of research. Thus, we envision each speaker providing a very brief overview of the existing state of the literature in their specific area of expertise in addition to presenting their particular contributions to Futurist studies. We welcome submissions dealing with all elements of Futurism, but encourage papers dealing with “Second” Futurism (ca. 1920-1944).

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

-political Futurism and its specific connections to Fascism
-biographies of the leading Futurists
-how Futurist women challenged/appropriated/shaped the Futurist message
-Futurist reaction to the role of the Church under the Fascist regime
-Futurism and the Race Laws
-the role of dissident and/or left-wing Futurists under the Fascist regime
-how Futurists were viewed from abroad
-the political context of Futurist art and/or Futurism’s many other cultural initiatives (Cucina futurista, Naturismo, etc.)

Please send a 250 word abstract and your CV by March 15, 2010 to:


Ernest Ialongo
Assistant Professor of History
Behavioral and Social Sciences Department
Hostos Community College, CUNY
500 Grand Concourse, B-319
Bronx, NY 10451

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