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SOFSEM 2011 : 37th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science


Conference Series : Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Informatics
When Jan 22, 2011 - Jan 28, 2011
Where Nový Smokovec, Slovakia
Abstract Registration Due Sep 5, 2010
Submission Deadline Sep 10, 2010
Notification Due Oct 25, 2010
Final Version Due Nov 1, 2010

Call For Papers

An integral part of SOFSEM 2011 is the Student Research Forum, organized with the aim to publish and discuss student research projects in the field of theory and practice of Computer Science. The forum offers students a unique opportunity to receive feedback on both the originality of their results and the work in progress. The papers will be reviewed and selected by the SOFSEM 2011 Program Committee as regular papers, so those accepted for the LNCS proceedings will be presented in regular sessions with possibility to have additional presentation in poster session of the Student Research Forum. Papers accepted for the local SRF proceedings will be provided with considerable space for presentation in the half day Student Research Forum session.

Detailed description of the tracks:

Foundations of Computer Science

The track is devoted to the recognized core areas forming the heart of computer science, and covering many different fields. Contributions are typically distinguished by an emphasis on mathematical background techniques, but quite often with significant impact on practical applications and systems. In other words, contributions that illustrate the value of fundamental research for applications are especially welcome. Such contributions have traditionally received a lot of attention at SOFSEM conferences, since its birth in 1974. The list of topics include (but is not limited to):

* algorithms and data structures, including sequential, parallel, distributed, approximation, and number-theoretic algorithms
* automata theory and languages
* complexity theory, both computational and structural
* concurrency theory
* discrete mathematics related to computer science
* grammars and formal models
* program semantics, logic, and verification

Software, Systems, and Services

The track is devoted to the application of novel and innovative technologies and principles to software construction including service-based approaches. Topics include (but are not limited to):

* modelling, construction and management of hybrid service based systems
* model driven architecture (MDA, MDD)
* formal methods for system development
* software specification, architecture, design
* software evolution
* progrm comprehension
* SOA approaches in embedded systems
* system migration
* interoperability
* software specification, architecture, design
* software qulity models
* open source developments
* testing
* methodologies and tools

Processing Large Datasets

The increasing price-performance of data storage, computational power and networking speeds makes possible the collection, storage, management, analysis and display of large datasets. Research facilities such as the Large Hadron Collider at CERN produce petabytes of data per year. However, also in industry and commerce there are vast volumes of data. The data from supermarket check-outs, from control systems in manufacturing, from traffic control systems, from telecommunications companies and from banking transactions are just some examples. The size of these datasets demands new approaches including management of streamed datasets during collection and challenges fundamentals of database theory and practice. It is increasingly common to move the program code to the data rather than the data to the program, and to utilise parallel distributed processing architectures. The effort of data and systems administration is increased so that cost reduction requires automation of these functions. The move towards services using an e-infrastucture of GRIDs or CLOUDs demands new methods of software development and systems design.

The list of topics includes (but is not limited to):

* Novel database management techniques
* New systems development techniques caused by large datasets
* Data and Systems management of large datasets
* Management of networks of sensors and detectors - their processing and their data
* Virtualisation of services in GRIDs and CLOUDs
* e-infrastructure architectures

Cryptography, Security, and Trust

In this track, contributions are welcome on all aspects of cryptography, information security, and trust. Possible topics range from theoretical cryptography to applied security. Examples of topics include (but are not limited to):

* Authentication and Identification
* Cloud Computing Security
* Distributed Systems and Storage Security
* Identity Management
* Information-Theoretic Security
* Interactive Proofs
* Intrusion and Malware Detection
* Mobile and Wireless Security
* Multi-Party Computation
* Privacy and Anonymity
* Private-Key Cryptography
* Public-Key Cryptography
* Quantum Protocols
* Software and Network Security
* Trust Management
* Trusted Hardware and Virtualized Architectures

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