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ICTSS 2011 : The 23th IFIP Int. Conference on Testing Software and Systems


Conference Series : International Conference on Testing Software and Systems
When Nov 7, 2011 - Nov 10, 2011
Where Paris, France
Abstract Registration Due May 8, 2011
Submission Deadline May 15, 2011
Notification Due Jul 13, 2011
Final Version Due Jul 30, 2011
Categories    testing   software engineering   verification

Call For Papers

Scope and Objective

Testing is one of the most important techniques for the (partial) verification of communication and software systems as well as the validation of their models. Testing, if done right, is known to be a laborious and very cost-intensive task during the development of such systems; in extreme cases, more than 70 % of the development cost in industrial development processes were spent for testing. ICTSS is a series of international conferences addressing the conceptual, theoretic, and practical problems of testing software systems, including communication protocols, services, distributed platforms, middleware, controllers and security infrastructures.

The ICTSS is the successor of previous (joint) conferences TESTCOM and FATES and aims at being a forum for researchers, developers, testers, and users to review, discuss, and learn about new approaches, concepts, theories, methodologies, tools, and experiences in the field of testing of communicating systems and software.
Topics of interest

* Aspects of testing: test derivation, test selection, test coverage, test implementation and execution, test result analysis, test oracles, test management, monitoring and runtime verification, test frameworks
* Model-based testing: formal models and modeling languages such as automata, state machines, process algebra, logics, SDL, UML, HOL, Markov-chains, test generation from models, model coverage
* Kinds of testing: functional, interoperability, performance, conformance, security, reliability, robustness, etc.
* Application areas: communicating systems such as protocols, middleware, networks, web services, wireless applications, control systems, business information systems, embedded and real-time software, etc.
* Combinations of different testing techniques, in particular techniques for the automated generation of test data
* Tools to support any of the testing activities
* Case studies and industrial applications involving qualified empirical evaluations

Types of contributions

* Research papers (max. 16 pages) describing results of theoretical or experimental research, which must be original, significant, and sound
* Industrial papers (max. 16 pages) describing approaches and means to introduce new testing methodologies in industrial contexts or reporting on industrial best practices

Submissions and publication

All contributions to ICTSS'11 have to be submitted electronically in PDF format via easy chair. All submissions have to follow the Springer LNCS paper format.

The submission type according to the categories mentioned under Types of Contributions must be stated explicitly by the author(s) upon submission via the conference website. The submission type influences the review criteria.

Accepted contributions must be presented at the conference. Accepted full papers are published by Springer in the LNCS series. Authors need to sign a copyright transfer form to transfer usage rights on their papers to Springer.

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