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PDAA 2018 : 10th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Algorithms and Applications


When Nov 27, 2018 - Nov 30, 2018
Where Hida Takayama, Japan
Abstract Registration Due Aug 30, 2018
Submission Deadline Sep 4, 2018
Notification Due Oct 1, 2018
Final Version Due Oct 18, 2018
Categories    parallel computing   distributed computing   parallel processing   distributed systems

Call For Papers


The 10th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Algorithms and
Applications (PDAA'18)

To be held in conjunction with
CANDAR'18, Hida Takayama, Japan, November 27-30, 2018

[Bridging Theory and Practice in Parallel and Distributed Computing]

The main goal of this workshop is to provide a timely forum for the
exchange and dissemination of new ideas, techniques and research in
the field of parallel and distributed algorithms and applications. The
workshop is meant to bridge research of theory and practice in all
aspects of parallel and distributed computing. We are convinced that
the workshop atmosphere will be conducive to open and mutually
beneficial exchanges of ideas between the participants of these areas.

[Topics of interest include, but are not limited to]

* Theory and Algorithms
Parallel and distributed algorithms, Hardware algorithms,
Graph-theoretic concepts in parallel and distributed computing,
Geometric and graph algorithms, Complexity theory in parallel and
distributed computing, Parallel and distributed computing models,
Network routing and communication algorithms, Combinatorial
algorithms, Randomized and approximation techniques, Cellular Automata

* Parallel and Distributed Computing
DNA Computing, Membrane Computing, Quantum Computing, Internet
Computing, Wireless networks and mobile computing, Internet computing,
Reconfigurable Computing, Internet Computing, Optical Computing

* Practical Aspects and Applications
Parallel computing systems, Supercomputing, Cluster computing, Grid
Computing, Parallel/distributed architectures, P-to-P networks,
Performance analysis and simulation, PVM/MPI, CUDA/GPGPU, Multi-core
processors, Programmable logic arrays, Reconfigurable Architectures,
Image Processing, Security Issues

[Paper format]

- Regular paper: 5-7 pages
- Poster paper: 3-4 pages

[Submission Instruction]

Please see Workshop Paper Submission Instruction.


The conference and workshop proceedings will be published by
Conference Publishing Service and submitted to IEEE Xplore and CSDL
digital libraries. Also they are submitted for indexing through
INSPEC, EI (Compendex), Thomson ISI, and other indexing services.

[Special Issue]

We plan to publish extended versions of selected papers from CANDAR
main symposium and workshops in IEICE Transactions on Information
and Systems (IEICE-ED) and in International Journal of Networking and

[Important dates]

* Abstract submission: August 30, 2018 (extended)
* Paper submission: September 4, 2018 (extended)
* Notification of paper acceptance: October 1, 2018
* Submission of camera-ready papers: October 18, 2018


* Workshop co-chairs
- Sayaka Kamei (Hiroshima University)
- Fukuhito Ooshita (NAIST)

* Program Committee
- Antoine Bossard (Kanagawa University)
- Stephane Devismes (Université Grenoble Alpes)
- Akihiro Fujiwara (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- Yasuaki Ito (Hiroshima University)
- Chuzo Iwamoto (Hiroshima University)
- Taisuke Izumi (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
- Hirotsugu Kakugawa (Osaka University)
- Yonghwan Kim (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
- Teruaki Kitasuka (Hiroshima University)
- Anissa Lamani (EISTI)
- Yamin Li (Hosei University)
- Susumu Matsumae (Saga University)
- Takayuki Nagoya (Tottori University of Environmental Studies)
- Junya Nakamura (Toyohashi University of Technology)
- Stephane Rovedakis (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers)
- Masahiro Shibata (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- Yuichi Sudo (Osaka University)
- Jerry Trahan (Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge)
- Shinichi Yamagiwa (University of Tsukuba)
- Yukiko Yamauchi (Kyushu University)

Related Resources

Euro-Par 2025   International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing
CLOUD 2025   14th International Conference on Cloud Computing: Services and Architecture
HPCC 2025   The 27th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications
IPDCA 2025   14th International conference on Parallel, Distributed Computing and Applications
IJP2P 2025   International Journal of Peer-to-Peer networks
EI/Scopus-ECPDC 2025   2025 2nd international Conference on Edge Computing, Parallel and Distributed Computing-EI/Scopus
NLPD 2025   6th International Conference on NLP & Big Data
MLCAD 2025   7th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Machine Learning for CAD
SEA 2025   14th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications
IJDPS 2025   International Journal of Distributed and Parallel systems