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NGCAS 2017 : New Generation of Circuits and Systems


When Sep 7, 2017 - Sep 9, 2017
Where Genoa, Italy
Submission Deadline May 26, 2017
Notification Due Jul 21, 2017
Final Version Due Aug 4, 2017
Categories    circuits   systems   communications   computer

Call For Papers



NGCAS 2017 - Call for papers:

The first New Generation of Circuits and Systems (NGCAS) is a conference for researchers from both academia and industry designed to provide knowledge on the state-of-the-art, historical perspectives and future challenges of circuits and systems. NGCAS particularly welcomes young professionals. The conference is technically co-sponsored by IEEE and IEEE CAS. Accepted papers of NGCAS 2017 will be submitted for inclusion to IEEE Xplore digital library. Based on the reviewer’s and the program committee's evaluation, the top 30% of papers will receive recognition. A selection of the best papers presented during the event will be included in a special section of the ASP Journal of Low Power Electronics (JOLPE)

NGCAS 2017 organizing committee is eager to promote a new creative conference format that will meet young professional expectations by organizing interactive activities. The conference will include competitions, panels, meetings, tutorials, special sessions and interactive posters sessions aiming to bring the participants a powerful and engaging experience.

NGCAS 2017 - Call for Competitions:

NGCAS 2017 will host an event where young professionals (YPs) or teams involving YPs will compete with their innovative contributions for one challenging goal: “Best YP industrial and societal application”. To enter the Competition candidates must submit a 4-page paper in IEEE format (following the NGCAS 2017 submission guidelines) containing a clear description of the proposed technical solution(s) and project details, social and industrial impact and relevance, implementation status, testing and trial (if any). The submitted papers will follow the standard reviewing process performed for the technical sessions, and therefore, accepted contributions will be included in the conference proceedings and submitted for the IEEE Xplore digital library.

The competition will take place in special sessions during the conference, where the YPs will have a dedicated time slot to present and perform a live demonstration (even using also videos) of their contributions for the audience and a Judging Committee. The Judging Committee will select the winner(s) of the Competition based on the evaluation of the paper, of the presentation at the conference and the live demonstration. The paper evaluation criteria are: target problem complexity, social and industrial relevance and impact, implementation status, and, testing and trials performed. The winner(s) of the competition will be awarded with a price at the end of the competition.

Demo session

In parallel with the Competition event, YPs or teams involving YPs are also invited to demonstrate working prototypes/demos emphasizing relevant achievements and industrial/societal impacts. Prototypes could be presented by a short live demonstration, or by presenting a short video of the system. YPs are invited to submit 1 page abstract describing their work, i.e., goal of the demonstration, description, duration, optionally, a short video (5 minutes max). Examples of possible demos include (but not limited to) IoTs, smart sensors, energy harvesting/remote powering systems, image/video processing, robotics, biomedical devices, etc.

The topics include, but are not limited to:
· Analog Signal Processing
· Biomedical and Life Science Circuits and Systems
· Cellular Nanoscale Networks and Array Computing
· Circuits & Systems for Communications
· Circuits and Systems Education and Outreach
· Digital Signal Processing
· Reconfigurable Computing, Accelerators, and FPGAs
· Computer Aided Design and Electronic Design Automation
· Multimedia Systems & Applications
· Nanoelectronics and Gigascale Systems
· Neural Systems & Applications
· Nonlinear Circuits & Systems
· Asynchronous and Globally Asynchronous Locally-Synchronous (GALS) Circuits
· Power and Energy Circuits and Systems
· Sensory Systems
· Visual Signal Processing & Communications
· VLSI Systems & Applications

Important Dates:
Submission deadline of 4-page papers: 26th May 2017
Notification of acceptance: 21th July 2017
Camera Ready manuscript: 4th August 2017
NGCAS 2017: 7th September 2017

Looking forward to welcome you in Genova,

On behalf of the NGCAS 2017 committee
Ali Ibrahim
NGCAS 2017 Publication Chair

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