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FGWM 2017 : Workshop FGWM@LWDA 2017 | |||||||||||||||
Link: https://www.wiwi.uni-rostock.de/lwda2017/fg-wm-2017/ | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
======================================= Fachgruppe Wissensmanagement (SIG Knowledge Management) The annual workshop FGWM is organized by the Special Interest Group on Knowledge Management of the German Informatics society, which aims at enabling and promoting the exchange of innovative ideas and practical applications in the field of knowledge and experience management. All submissions of current research from this and adjacent areas are welcome, in particular, work in progress contributions. The latter can serve as a basis for interesting discussions among the participants and provide young researchers with feedback. We also invite researchers to contribute to the workshop by resubmitting conference papers to share their ideas with the research community. TOPICS OF INTEREST ======================================= Submissions from all areas contributing to the development and application of intelligent knowledge and experience management systems are welcome. We explicitly encourage paper submissions that are not mainstream but from communities within mathematics, social sciences or economics in order to obtain a more interdisciplinary view on the subject. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: - Experience & knowledge search and knowledge integration approaches: case-based reasoning, logic-based approaches, text-based approaches, collaborative filtering, semantic portals, agile approaches etc. - Applications of knowledge and experience management (corporate memories, e-commerce, design, tutoring/e-learning, e-government, software engineering, robotics, medicine, etc.) - (Semantic) Web Services for KM and Linked Data - User experience management - Context-driven retrieval and just-in-time knowledge capturing - Agent-based & Peer-to-Peer KM - Knowledge representation (ontologies, similarity, retrieval, adaptive knowledge, etc.) Support of authoring and maintenance processes (change management, requirements tracing, (distributed) version control, etc.) - Design and evaluation of KM systems - Knowledge and resource management in embedded systems -Practical experiences (“lessons learned”) with IT aided KM approaches -Integration of KM and business processes -Introspection and explanation capabilities of KM systems -Innovation through knowledge connection and exchange -Combination of KM with other systems and concepts (e.g. Decision Support, Cloud -Computing, Big Data) Official workshop languages are German and English. In particular, contributions can be in English or German but presentations should be in English to ensure that English speaking participants can always follow. Please have a look at the “WM-Workshop Manifesto” below for convincing reasons to submit to and participate in the WM-Workshop. INTENDED AUDIENCE ======================================= The target group includes researchers and practitioners who are interested in developing, applying and analyzing knowledge and experience management systems as well as applicable scenarios. The workshop is also a great and affordable platform for young researchers to present their work to a larger group of researchers and get valuable feedback. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES ======================================= Submissions should be alternatively: -up to 6 pages long for short papers, -from 6 up to 12 pages long for full papers or PhD proposals, -One-pager summaries for resubmissions recently published at other renowned conferences. All contributions must be submitted via EasyChair as PDF at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=lwda2017 Please select the track “Wissensmanagement (FGWM)” when submitting your paper. The publication of the conference proceedings will be with CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org). All papers should be formatted with Springer LNCS: http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0. All workshop participants have to register for the LWDA 2017 conference. IMPORTANT DATES ======================================= Submission of papers: July 02, 2017 Notification of acceptance: July 25, 2017 Camera-ready copy: August 06, 2017 Workshop FGWM@LWDA: September 11-13, 2017 PROGRAM COMMITEE ======================================= - Alke Martens, University of Rostock, Institute of Computer Science, IEF - Axel Benjamins, Otto (GmbH & Co KG) - Christian Severin Sauer, University of West London - Dimitris Karagiannis, University of Vienna - Edith Maier, University of Applied Sciences, St. Gallen, Switzerland - Gilbert Mueller, University of Trier - Joachim Baumeister, denkbares GmbH - Klaus-Dieter Althoff, DFKI / University of Hildesheim - Kurt Sandkuhl, The University of Rostock - Michael Fellmann, University of Rostock, Institute for Computer Science - Mirjam Minor, Goethe University Frankfurt - Pascal Reuss, Universität Hildesheim - Ralph Bergmann, University of Trier WORKSHOP CHAIR ======================================= - Andrea Kohlhase, University of Applied Sciences Neu-Ulm - Eric Kübler, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main ORGANIZATION ======================================= The contact person for all questions regarding the organization of the workshop is Eric Kübler (ekuebler@cs.uni-frankfurt.de). WORKSHOP MANIFESTO ======================================= The SIG Knowledge Management (Fachgruppe Wissensmanagement, in short FGWM) of the German Informatics Society (GI) annually organizes a workshop within the LWDA workshop series. The SIG compiled a list of reasons why attendance to that workshop is attractive and why it is unique among the many existing conferences and workshops on topics related to knowledge management. The workshop is not a mini-conference but a real workshop because - there is ample discussion time for each of the presented papers, - it gives the opportunity to present work in progress, possibly in its early stages only, - there is the possibility for break-out sessions on topics to be discussed more deeply. Therefore the workshop provides the opportunity for young researchers (even excellent master students) to - present and discuss preliminary work, - get feedback on their work from a larger audience with people having quite different viewpoints, - get accustomed to presenting and defending their work at scientific events. - The workshop is a forum for testing the viability of new ideas (by junior as well as senior researchers) before more effort and resources are put into these ideas. - Since the workshop attracts students as well as senior members of the community it plays a vital role in - fostering the next generation of researchers (like a doctoral symposium but across institutions), - helping to maintain a high quality of PhD work, - recruiting research staff (master students looking for PhD positions, PhD students looking for postdoc positions). - The workshop is enriched by including a few top-notch papers already presented at international venues. Since nobody can attend all relevant conferences any more this is a good opportunity to catch up on missed papers. - The workshop is the forum for connecting with the German knowledge management community. - Last but not least, the workshop has a very low participation fee and is thus much more affordable than pre-conference workshops which can usually only be attended when also registering to the main conference (with the full conference fee). A statement by a young researcher why she finds the workshop series attractive --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “The workshop offers a unique opportunity for the promotion of young researchers. With its low participation fee and the informal nature it provides a platform for young PhD students and advanced MSc students to present their projects and theses to a larger audience. It is thus an excellent opportunity to gain first experiences in scientific practice and exchange. The possibility to take part in scientific discourse already at an early stage is very valuable to young researchers. In the field of knowledge management, this is a unique feature of the FGWM workshop. Besides getting useful feedback on their work from senior researchers outside their own research group, young researchers profit from an exchange of experiences with fellow PhD students from other universities.” A statement by a senior researcher why he finds the workshop series attractive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “The FGWM workshop provides senior researchers not only with a platform for presenting their own research interests and discuss presented work, but also offers the opportunity to share best practices on PhD supervision among different universities and research institutions. Senior researchers can pass along experience on project proposal writing, project management, and evaluation. At this venue senior researchers are easily approachable and can help with issues PhD students might not want to discuss with their supervisors. Further, students can easily investigate career opportunities in academia.” |