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ConvERSe 2020 : WSDM 2020 Workshop on Conversational Systems for E-Commerce Recommendations and Search


When Feb 7, 2020 - Feb 7, 2020
Where Houston
Submission Deadline Dec 15, 2019
Notification Due Jan 7, 2020
Final Version Due Jan 15, 2020
Categories    ecommerce ir   conversational systems   recommendations   information retrieval

Call For Papers

WSDM 2020 Workshop on Conversational Systems for E-Commerce Recommendations and Search

Call For Papers

WSDM ConvERSe is a full day workshop taking place on Monday, February 7, 2020 in conjunction with WSDM 2020 in Houston, Texas.

Workshop website:

Important Dates:

• Submissions Due - Dec 15, 2019
• Notification - Jan 7, 2020
• Camera Ready Version of Papers Due - Jan 15, 2020
• WSDM ConvERSe Full day Workshop - Feb 7, 2020

Conversational systems have improved dramatically recently, and are receiving increasing attention in academic literature. However, significant research challenges remain spanning areas of dialogue systems, spoken natural language processing, human-computer interaction, and search and recommender systems, which all are exacerbated with demanding requirements of E-Commerce.

The WSDM ConvERSe workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners in the areas of conversational systems, human-computer interaction, information retrieval, and recommender systems. Bringing diverse research areas together into a single workshop would accelerate progress on adapting conversation systems to the E-Commerce domain, to set a research agenda, to examine how to build and share data sets, and to establish common evaluation metrics and benchmarks to drive research progress.

We invite quality research contributions, position and opinion papers addressing relevant challenges in the domain of conversational systems. We invite submission of papers and posters of two to ten pages (including references), representing original research, preliminary research results, proposals for new work, position and opinion papers. All submitted papers and posters will be single-blind and will be peer reviewed by an international program committee of researchers of high repute. Accepted submissions will be presented at the workshop

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Active learning for conversational systems
* Deep learning and online learning approaches for conversational systems
* User modeling
* Intent understanding and intent modeling
* Design of conversational systems and agents
* User-interaction and User-experience design
* Preference elicitation approaches
* Cold-start recommendations
* Proactive recommendations
* Critiquing in conversational recommenders
* Question-asking in conversational recommenders
* Personalization in conversational recommenders
* Recommendations-explanations in conversational systems
* Natural language interaction with conversational systems
* Dialogue management for conversational recommenders
* Conversational group recommenders
* Interaction methods in conversational recommenders
* Evaluation metrics and approaches for multi-turn conversational systems
* Integrating user feed-back and responses
* Narrative-driven recommendations
* Resources and data sets

Note: We welcome submissions in conversational systems from other related domains such as news, music etc.

Data/ Resource Track:

In order to promote academic research in the eCommerce domain, we plan to accept a small number of high quality dataset contributions. These submissions should be accompanied by a clear and detailed description of the dataset, some potential questions and applications that arise from it. Preliminary empirical investigations conveying any insight about the data will increase the quality of the submission.

Submission Instructions:

All papers will be peer reviewed (single-blind) by the program committee and judged by their relevance to the workshop, especially to the main themes identified above, and their potential to generate discussion.

All submissions must be formatted according to the latest ACM SIG proceedings template available at (LaTeX users use sample-sigconf.tex as a template).

Submissions must describe work that is not previously published, not accepted for publication elsewhere, and not currently under review elsewhere. All submissions must be in English.

Please note that at least one of the authors of each accepted paper must register for the workshop and present the paper in-person.

Submissions to WSDM ConvERSe should be made at

The deadline for paper submission is Dec 15, 2019


Eugene Agichtein Emory University, USA
Dilek Hakkani-Tür Amazon, USA
Surya Kallumadi The Home Depot, USA
Shervin Malmasi Amazon, USA

Contact: Please direct all your queries to for help.

Workshop website:

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