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ICNDC 2010 : The First International Conference on Networking and Distributed Computing


When Oct 21, 2010 - Oct 24, 2010
Where Hangzhou
Submission Deadline Apr 1, 2010
Notification Due Jun 1, 2010
Final Version Due Jun 25, 2010
Categories    computer   networking   wireles

Call For Papers

Call for Contributions ( download PDF version) ( Text Version)

The Networking and Distributed Technologies are the most vital parts of IT technologies in the current days and the future. The First International Conference on Networking and Distributed Computing (ICNDC2010) tempts to bring together researchers and practitioners active to share their views and discuss hot topics and trends on Networking and Distributed Computing. The scope of the conference covers three tracks of distributed computing and distributed systems, networking and distributed Applications. The topics addressed by the conference include (but are not limited to):

(All accepted papers will be included in IEEE Computer Society Proceedings (Published by IEEE Computer Society CPS), which will be sent to be cited by EI Compendex and ISTP, and be Archived by IEEE-XploreTM and the IEEE Computer Society (CSDL) digital libraries).

Distributed Computing and Distributed System Track

Clusters and Grids Computing

Service Composition and Orchestration

Peer-to-Peer Systems

Cloud Computing

Collaborative computing

Distributed data storage

Distributed multimedia systems

Distributed resource management

Middleware technology

Parallel and distributed processing

Utility computing

Complex distributed systems

Semantic grids

Semantic webs

Semantic P2P Networks

Sensor webs

Multi-agent systems

Service virtualization

Service-oriented architectures

Service-oriented computing

Service-oriented software and systems engineering

Social network

Networking track

Active/programmable networks

Adaptive networking

Distributed network management

Intelligent networks

Internetworking architectures

Multimedia networks

Network privacy and security

Network QoS and performance evaluation

Next generation networks

Novel network architectures and protocols

On-demand networking

Context awareness of networking

3G/4G bandwidth on demand

Pervasive/ubiquitous computing

QoS management mobile systems

Service portability and mobility

Ultra-wideband (UWB)

Mobile ad-hoc networks

Mobile and wireless IP

Mobile/wireless networks simulation

Multi-hop wireless networks

Wireless LANs, MANs, WANs: 3G/4G

Wireless mesh networks

Wireless multicasting, sensor networks

Wireless networks management

Wireless protocols and architectures

Distributed Applications Track

Business process integration

Business process management

Enterprise resource planning

Enterprise workflow management

Collaborative e-business

Enterprise federation

Enterprise integration

Global enterprise

Virtual / networked enterprises

Cooperation of supply chains


Agent-mediated e-commerce

B2B, B2C, C2C models



Mobile commerce

Data mining in business

Machine learning in business

Adaptive business

On-demand e-business

Applications of Management Science

Applications of Economics

Applications of Education Science

Important Deadlines

April 1, 2010 Submission papers

June 1, 2010 Notification of acceptance

June 25, 2010 Camera ready due

Oct. 21-24, 2010 Conference

You can find the information about the conference on

Tel: 86-0571-86843267 Fax: 86-0571-86843267


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