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S&L 2017 : SPEECH AND LANGUAGE 2017, VI International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects on Speech and Language


When Oct 27, 2017 - Oct 29, 2017
Where Belgrade
Submission Deadline Jul 15, 2017
Notification Due Jul 30, 2017
Final Version Due Sep 30, 2017
Categories    speech and language   neuroscience   phonetics   cognition

Call For Papers

The aim of the conference is to exchange knowledge from various fields of science dealing with the study of speech and language in terms of fundamental and applied knowledge. Bearing in mind that speech and language are the most complex psychophysiological functions of the human body and that it is not just a means of communication but also of learning, a holistic approach is imperative in their study. In order to support a holistic approach in the study and research of speech and language, all papers will be plenary presented at the Conference.
The main topics of interest for submissions include but are not limited to:
■ linguistics, phonology and phonetics
■ experimental phonetics
■ neurolinguistics and psycholinguistics
■ psychophysiology of hearing, speech and language
■ prosody and speech perception
■ cognition, behaviour, learning, speech and language
■ consciousness, cognition and psychosomatics
■ nonlinguistic information and speech
■ genetics, speech and language
■ language philosophy
■ esthetics and speech and language
■ prenatal roots of communication
■ speech and hearing technologies
■ speech and language – sociological and cultural aspects

Prospective authors are invited to submit their abstracts (up to 300 words) to

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