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PharML 2023 : PharML 2023: Machine Learning for Pharma and Healthcare Applications


When Sep 22, 2023 - Sep 22, 2023
Where Turin, Italy
Submission Deadline Jun 19, 2023
Notification Due Jul 19, 2023
Categories    machine learning   pharmaceutical   healthcare

Call For Papers


We invite contributions from both industry and academia to share their research and experience in using Machine Learning methods for pharmaceutical and healthcare research and development. PharML will be held in person at the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD) in Turin, Italy.

This is the 4th. consecutive iteration of PharML. You can visit our previous meeting websites (2020, 2021, 2022) to learn more about the themes and topics we address in the workshop.

*Submission Guidelines*

We invite authors to submit their work in either an abstract or extended format. 
- Research abstracts: describe preliminary results and are meant to foster discussion of emerging topics. Maximum of 6 pages.
- Long papers: present mature work, published or unpublished. Maximum of 16 pages.

Authors of accepted papers will be notified whether their paper is selected for oral presentation or poster session

*Additional Guidelines*

- All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed and the review process is strictly double-blind.
- All submissions must be anonymous. Make sure the document(s) you upload does not contain names, affiliations, acknowledgements or any information that can be used to directly identify you. Replace the author information with "Anonymous".  Avoid including URLs of GitHub repositories linked to you.
- Authors should commit to present their work at the workshop in case it is accepted for an oral presentation.
- Manuscripts should be in PDF format, following the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science style (
- Submissions should be done via the Conference Management Toolkit (CMT) page Follow these steps to submit your manuscript:
- In the “Submissions” tab, make sure the selected conference is “ECMLPKDDworkshop2023”.
- When you click the button “+ Create new submission”, select “PharML, Machine Learning for Pharma and Healthcare Applications” as the track.

* Paper Publication*

The PharML workshop will partner again this year with Springer to publish the workshop proceedings.

- Only unpublished work or extended versions of the abstracts are eligible for publication in the workshop proceedings.
- Important note from the Conference Organizers: accepted manuscripts at the workshop without a full registration of one of the authors or in-presence presentation will not be included in the workshop proceedings.

*Topics of Interest*

- Causal Inference
-- Subgroup discovery and targeted learning.
-- Estimating treatment effect in randomized and/or observational studies.
-- Causal structure learning from real world data.
-- Predicting the impact of interventions.

- Data Modalities
-- Medical imaging, text, molecular data, and sensor data.
-- Leveraging multiple modalities through data fusion

- Learning on Graphs
-- Node and link prediction on molecular graphs
-- Modelling dynamic graphs
-- Biological pathway mining for cancer biomarker discovery

- Machine Learning for Survival Analysis
-- Methods for learning from time-to-event data to build prognostic or treatment-predictive models.

- Domain Adaptation and Domain Generalization
-- Techniques for adapting models to new domains, to learn relationships between different domains, and to improve model generalization.

- Federated Learning
-- Centralized and decentralized methods
-- Differential privacy and encryption

- Applied Machine Learning
-- Topological Methods in Drug Discovery
-- Translational Medicine
-- Earlier Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis
-- Personalized Healthcare and Precision Medicine
-- Patient Safety, Pharmacovigilance, and Toxicity Prediction
-- Patient Monitoring and Diagnostic Surveillance
-- Medical Devices and Digital Endpoints
-- Clinical Decision Support
-- Cardiology, oncology, transplantation, neurology, histopathology, etc.
-- Drug Design and Discovery

*Workshop Programme*

The workshop will feature:
- Invited keynote speakers from academia and industry. 
- Presentations of selected papers and a poster session.
The full programme will be posted on the workshop's website in due course.

*Important dates*

- Submission Deadline: June 19, 2023
- Notification:  July 19, 2023
- Workshop date: Friday, September 22, 2023 (in-person attendance)

Organizing Committee
- Lee Cooper (Northwestern University, USA)
- Naghmeh Ghazaleh (Roche, Switzerland)
- Jonas Richiardi (Lausanne University Hospital and University of Lausanne, Switzerland)
- Damian Roqueiro (Roche, Switzerland)
- Diego Saldana (Novartis, Switzerland)

Program Committee
The Program Committee is composed of professionals from both academia and industry. The full list of members will be posted on the workshop’s website.

Visit the official website of the workshop for additional details (

Related Resources

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IEEE-Ei/Scopus-CWCBD 2025   2025 6th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Big Data (CWCBD 2025) -EI Compendex
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