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HPG 2024 : High Performance Graphics | |||||||||||||||||
Link: https://highperformancegraphics.org/2024/ | |||||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||||
Call for Participation
***At a Glance*** Conference: July 26-28 (co-located with SIGGRAPH 2024 in Denver, Colorado, USA) Paper/Poster deadlines (subject to change): Paper Abstracts: Wednesday, April 24 Paper Submissions: Monday, April 29 Poster Submissions: Monday, May 27 Hot3D Submissions: Monday, May 27 All papers will be published in a special issue of PACMCGIT and will be open access. Awards for best paper, best poster and student competition. ***Introduction*** We are pleased to announce High-Performance Graphics 2024! High-Performance Graphics is where industry and academia meet to share and discuss innovations in performance-oriented graphics systems research. We are excited about innovative algorithms as well as efficient, real-world implementations, plus the underlying technology: hardware, languages, compilers, and so on. Join us whether you are a researcher, an engineer or architect, to discuss the complex interaction of parallel programming, novel programming models, and efficient algorithms. Come, be inspired, and inspire others to produce the next generation of graphics and visual computing applications: This is HPG! ***Conference Info*** High-Performance Graphics is co-sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH and Eurographics. The program features three days of paper and industry presentations. The conference will be in-person this year (with an online component) and will take place from July 26-28, 2024 in Denver, Colorado, USA — co-sited with ACM SIGGRAPH 2024. ***Papers Track*** It is always hard to describe exactly which papers are suitable for a specific conference. So, when in doubt, please contact this year’s paper chairs, Aaron Knoll and Jacco Bikker. You can reach us at papers@highperformancegraphics.org. In general, we welcome any paper that resonates with the “High Performance Graphics” theme. We invite original and innovative performance-oriented contributions to the design of algorithms and hardware architectures, for all areas of graphics in the broadest sense, including rendering, ray tracing, virtual and augmented reality, physics, and animation. This year the conference theme is Machine Learning in High Performance Graphics. If your paper matches this theme, we would especially like to encourage you to submit, whether you are a novice author, or a veteran researcher with a long track record. That being said, we did prepare a topic list for HPG’24. Other topics of interest include (but are not limited to): - Hardware and systems for high-performance graphics - Machine learning techniques for high-performance graphics - Real-time and interactive ray tracing hardware or software - Rendering algorithms - High-performance and real-time computer vision - Programming models, languages, and compilation techniques - Large-Scale, Parallel and Cloud Applications in Computer Graphics - Performance applications in film, visual effects, professional and scientific visualization - Perception-based graphics and emerging display technologies ***Paper Length and Format*** Published proceedings will be archived in the ACM and Eurographics Digital Libraries. All papers will be published in a special issue of the Proceedings of ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (PACMCGIT), which will be open-access. There is no fixed maximum length for a paper. However, the magnitude of the contribution must be proportional to the length of the paper. Papers longer than 16 typeset pages in the final format must make a very significant contribution to be accepted. Writing plays an important role in the assessment. Omitting important details or tampering with formatting rules may cause a paper to be graded lower than a longer paper that is clearly written, without being repetitive or verbose. We encourage the use of supplemental material for ancillary content. We respectfully request that authors restrict the file size of submissions to less than 20 MB, and reserve higher-quality content for supplemental material. ***Submission Guidelines*** Submissions should use EasyChair, which will include format information for PACMCGIT. These format requirements match that of ACM, so curated papers should not need modification before publication. We try to be as permissive as possible while still taking all reasonable steps to preserve anonymity during the review process. Please do not make public statements on the submission status of your paper until acceptance has been confirmed. Before your paper is accepted: You may upload a version of your submission, for example as a technical report or to arXiv (or similar services), but please do not mention HPG. You may give presentations about your work, without saying it is submitted to HPG. Additional ACM publication guidelines are as follows: “By submitting your article to an ACM Publication, you are hereby acknowledging that you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies, including ACM’s new Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects. Alleged violations of this policy or any ACM Publications Policy will be investigated by ACM and may result in a full retraction of your paper, in addition to other potential penalties, as per ACM Publications Policy.” “Please ensure that you and your co-authors obtain an ORCID ID, so you can complete the publishing process for your accepted paper. ACM has been involved in ORCID from the start and we have recently made a commitment to collect ORCID IDs from all of our published authors. The collection process has started and will roll out as a requirement throughout 2022. We are committed to improve author discoverability, ensure proper attribution and contribute to ongoing community efforts around name normalization; your ORCID ID will help in these efforts.” Reviews will be double-blind. We request that authors not volunteer their names or affiliations in manuscripts under consideration. ***Information for presenters*** We thank all our presenters for their contributions. In preparing your presentation, you may find the following information useful: Please check the duration of your session and schedule your talk accordingly, allowing time for questions and setup. For example, if the session is 75 minutes and contains three talks, please ensure that your talk does not run over 25 minutes — ideally aim for 18-20 minutes for your talk itself. The lecture hall style of the venue means that visibility should be relatively good compared with, for example, SIGGRAPH convention halls, but please still allow for limited vision and contrast — if you are trying to show pixel-level detail, ensure that it is large, and also available in supplemental material. You may wish to seek out the “How to Give a Greate SIGGRAPH Talk” course from SIGGRAPH 2001. Please bring your own laptop from which to present — we will swap connections between contributors. Connection is via HDMI, so while we will try to have adaptors available for emergencies, please bring your own if possible. The projector is a 1920×1080 (16:9) widescreen system; please format your slides accordingly. There is no official template. If you wish to incorporate the HPG logo in your slides to tie it to the event, options are available here. We do not require presentation material (typically PDF or PowerPoint) to be shared, but if you are willing to do so, we would like to archive them on the HPG web site. To share content, please contact website@highperformancegraphics.org, ideally with a link to a file share; if you wish to do this before the conference so that attendees can follow along (particularly those who may have difficulty reading the projected screen), we are happy to accommodate (and can make revisions as needed). Out of sympathy to viewers and our servers, if your presentation is more than a few MB in size (for example because it contains a lot of video) we would appreciate you sharing a size-reduced version. We can also provide links to project home pages and other supplemental material. Actual papers will be linked once in the official libraries. We can archive posters on the web site if you wish. ***Hot 3D Systems Track*** We invite vendors in the graphics industry to submit presentations of their latest and greatest graphics hardware products, high-performance software systems, and graphics software applications. We welcome all topics relating to the HPG general call for participation. This year we particularly encourage talks relating to ray/path tracing systems: low-power, high-performance, or dedicated acceleration hardware at IP-, GPU-, or SoC-level. Presentations should be 20 minutes long, with a focus on technical aspects of real products (marketing-oriented talks will not be accepted). Hot 3D presentations are not considered archival publications for the purposes of future submission to peer-reviewed venues. For further information please contact: hot3d@highperformancegraphics.org. ***Posters*** We also invite the submission of posters describing ongoing or late-breaking work. Please note that posters are not considered archival publications and thus should not prevent submitting the work therein to other publication venues. Poster submissions should be sent directly to: posters@highperformancegraphics.org. Participants should produce a portrait poster of A0 size, and are responsible for their own printing; HPG will provide boards for attachment. If you wish your poster to be made available (and archived) on the HPG website, please provide us with a final PDF before the conference. ***Organization*** General Chair: Christiaan Gribble, AMD Program Chairs: Esteban Clua, Universidade Federal Fluminense Johannes Meng, Intel Papers Chairs: Jacco Bikker, Breda University of Applied Sciences Aaron Knoll, AMD Posters Chair: Amrita Mazumdar, NVIDIA Online Chair: Francois Demoullin, Apple Treasurer: Richard Membarth, THI and DFKI Steve Molnar, NVIDIA Sponsorship Chair: Joshua Steinhurst, Intel Publicity Chair: Daqi Lin, NVIDIA Student Competition Chairs: Anjul Patney, NVIDIA Nicholas Vining, NVIDIA Hot3D Chair: Won-Jong Lee, AMD Local Chair Kenny Gruchalla, NREL Web Site Maintainers: Matthäus Chadjas, AMD Andrew Garrard, Imagination Technologies ***Important Dates*** All deadlines are at 22:00 UTC/GMT and tentative. Please check this web site for updates. Papers: Wednesday, April 24 Abstract deadline Monday, April 29 Paper deadline Friday, May 24 Notification of conditional acceptance Friday, June 14 Revised papers due Friday, June 26 Notification of acceptance Friday, July 19 Camera-ready deadline Posters: Monday, May 27 Deadline for poster submissions Monday, June 3 Notification of poster acceptance Hot3D: Monday, May 27 Deadline for Hot3D proposals Monday, June 3 Notification of acceptance Conference: Friday-Sunday, July 26-28 Conference in Denver, Colorado |