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ArtsIT 2024 : 13th EAI International Conference: Arts, Interactivity & Game Creation


Conference Series : Arts and Technology
When Nov 13, 2024 - Nov 15, 2024
Where New York University, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Submission Deadline Jul 1, 2024
Notification Due Aug 15, 2024
Final Version Due Oct 1, 2024
Categories    digital art   human-computer interaction   game development

Call For Papers

About ArtsIT

ArtsIT brings together a diverse international community of researchers, practitioners, artists, and academics from various disciplines to explore the dynamic relationship between art and information technology across a range of distinct domains. Since its inception in 2009, ArtsIT has been established as a prominent scientific platform for sharing cutting-edge research findings at the convergence of art, science, culture, performing arts, media, and technology. Artistic practice utilizing digital media serves not only as a means of analyzing and critically reflecting on the influence of technology on our lives, culture, and society but also as a tool for fostering discussions on sustainability, responsibility, and human dignity. In addition to the main track that includes topics such digital artworks and cultural heritage, audio art, games and gamification, immersive technologies and interactive art installations, the event dedicates attention to recent advancements that have made significant contributions to the field in recent years, such as virtualization, artificial intelligence and big data, virtual reality and the metaverse, with dedicated sessions. In an attempt to bridge the gap between research in art and technology, this interdisciplinary conference aims to enrich both fields and contribute to the development of new ideas, experiences, and global societal advancements. The convergence of Art and Tech can cultivate innovation and stimulate imaginative thought. The conference aims to bring together artists and technologists to join forces to challenge the limitations within their respective domains, while through the merging artistic expression with technological progress, novel concepts, methodologies, and modes of creative expression can arise.

The conference will take place at New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD). By hosting this prominent scientific platform that encompasses the convergence of art, science, culture, performing arts, media, and technology, NYUAD demonstrates its unwavering commitment to innovation, academic and research excellence. The conference serves as an invaluable opportunity for scholars, researchers, and practitioners to exchange groundbreaking research findings, ideas, and methodologies, thus facilitating intellectual discourse and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration. NYUAD’s academic reputation in the field of art and technology can be further enhanced through this platform, solidifying its position as a hub of intellectual inquiry. In line with the university’s mission to embrace a global perspective, the conference attracts diverse participants from various cultural backgrounds, thereby fostering cross-cultural dialogue and enabling the exchange of perspectives, experiences, and best practices. Moreover, the conference serves as a means for NYUAD to engage with both local and global communities, welcoming individuals and organizations from Abu Dhabi and beyond to attend, participate, and gain insights into the latest advancements in the field. This engagement strengthens the university’s community ties, promotes cultural exchange, and raises awareness of NYUAD’s mission and expertise.

The conference will consist of a three-day program featuring a wide range of activities, including keynote speeches delivered by renowned researchers and artists in the field of art and technology, panel discussions, paper and poster presentations with special tracks, interactive demonstrations, exhibitions, and artistic performances.


The following topics will be covered during the event:

* Artificial Intelligence and Big Data
* Audio Art & Sonification
* Design
* Digital Artworks Addressing the Sustainable Development Goals
* Digital Storytelling
* Digital Cultural Heritage
* Digital Musical Interfaces
* Games & Gamification
* Human Computer & Human Robot Interaction
* Interactive Art & Interactive Installations
* Media Art
* Metaverse, Avatars and Presence
* Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Performance
* Virtual Worlds and Practices


All registered papers will be submitted for publishing by Springer and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library.

Proceedings will be submitted for inclusion in leading indexing services, such as Web of Science, Compendex, Scopus, DBLP, EU Digital Library, Google Scholar, IO-Port, MathSciNet, Inspec, and Zentralblatt MATH.

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