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ARIAL@IJCAI 2024 : 7th Workshop on AI for Aging, Rehabilitation, and Intelligent Assisted Living


When Aug 3, 2024 - Aug 5, 2024
Where Jeju, South Korea
Submission Deadline Feb 2, 2024
Notification Due Jun 3, 2024
Categories    deep learning   aging   multimodal sensors   rehabilitation

Call For Papers

According to a United Nations’ report on World Population Aging (2020), the number of people in the world aged 60 or over is projected to grow to 1.5 billion by the year 2050. Aging can come with various complexities and challenges, such as a decline in the physical, cognitive, and mental health of a person. These changes affect a person’s everyday life, resulting in decreased social participation, lack of physical activity, and vulnerability to injury and disability that the occurrence of various acute health events, such as strokes or long-term illnesses, can exacerbate.

The field of assistive technology amalgamates several multidisciplinary areas, including data mining, rehabilitation engineering, and clinical studies. The idea of assistive technology solutions is to promote independent, active, and healthy aging with a specific focus on older adults, and those living with mild cognitive impairments.

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the challenges encountered by vulnerable populations, including not getting adequate care, difficulties in accessing healthcare services, and a lack of necessary support to stay independent and safe. Many clinical treatments and rehabilitation services have gone virtual due to strict social distancing guidelines that have added more complexity to supporting the older population.

Collecting and mining health data using assistive technology devices is challenging. Leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques is essential to making advancements in the field of aging and rehabilitation. Building AI models on vast amounts of health data from older adults will facilitate independent assisted living, promote healthy living, and effectively manage rehabilitation routines.

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: 2nd June 2024.

Paper acceptance notification: 3rd June 2024.

Camera-ready deadline: 17th June 2024.

Workshop date: 5th August 2024.

Paper registration date: TBA

Submission Guidelines
The paper should be submitted to the ARIAL Workshop using EasyChair link ( following the MDPI style ( The paper length should be around 4000 words; however, shorter length papers will also be considered.

We have made an arrangement with MDPI’s Algorithms journal’s special issue on AI Algorithms in Healthcare (, with a deadline of June 30, 2024.

The submitted papers to ARIAL workshop will undergo an administrative review, upon acceptance these papers will have to be presented in-person at the IJCAI conference to be considered for the MDPI Algorithms special issue. The presented papers will then be directed for submission to the MDPI’s special issue. Since the ARIAL workshop papers are not archived, the authors can submit their accepted workshop paper to the special issue as is or update it based on reviewer’s feedback or new results. The paper submitted to MDPI should be minimum 4000 words. MDPI will conduct external review of submitted papers for their special issue. The accepted papers at the MDPI’s special issue will be adequately archived and given a DOI number.

As per the arrangement, MDPI will waive off APC of two-top rated papers and provide 50% discount on APC for rest of the papers.

Jeju, South Korea

All questions about submissions should be emailed to,

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