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ICLP 2024 : 40th International Conference on Logic Programming


When Oct 11, 2024 - Oct 17, 2024
Where Dallas, TX, USA
Abstract Registration Due May 6, 2024
Submission Deadline May 13, 2024
Notification Due Jun 19, 2024
Final Version Due Aug 5, 2024

Call For Papers

Call for Papers

40th International Conference on Logic Programming
ICLP 2024

Dallas, TX, USA
October 11-17, 2024
Deadline Extension.
Abstracts now due *** May 6 ***
Paper submission now *** May 13 ***


Since the first conference In Marseille in 1982, ICLP has been the
premier international event for presenting research in logic
programming. Contributions are sought in all areas of logic programming,
including but not restricted to:  
Theoretical Foundations

Formal and operational semantics, Non-monotonic reasoning, Reasoning
under uncertainty, Knowledge representation, Semantic issues of
combining logic and neural models, Complexity results.

Language Design and Programming Methodologies

Concurrency and parallelism, Mobility, Interacting with ML,
Logic-based domain-specific languages, Hybrid logical and
imperative/functional languages, Programming techniques, Answer Set
Programming, Inductive Logic Programming, Coinductive Logic

Program Analysis and Optimization

Analysis, Transformation, Verification, Debugging, Profiling,
Visualization, Logic-based validation of generated programs.

Implementation Methodologies

Compilation, Parallel/distributed execution, Constraint
implementation, Tabling, Logic-based prompt engineering, User


----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
Paper Registration May 6, 2024
Submission deadline for regular papers, main/application tracks May 13, 2024
Notification to authors June 19, 2024
Revision deadline (when needed) July 8, 2024
Submission deadline for short papers, main/application tracks,
system demos, BOF meetings, and recently published research July 8, 2024
Final notification July 22, 2024
Final copy due August 5, 2024
Main conference October 14-17, 2024
----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------


In addition to the main track, ICLP 2024 will host:

- Applications Track: invites submissions on emerging and deployed
applications of LP, describing aspects of the development,
deployment, and evaluation of logic programming systems to solve
real-world problems, including interesting case studies, benchmarks,
and lessons learned.

- Recently Published Research Track: provides a forum to discuss
important recent results related to logic programming that have
appeared (from January 2022 onward) in selective journals and
conferences, but have not been presented at ICLP.

- System Demonstrations. We invite submissions to showcase logic
programming systems in a live setting. This track is not designed
for sales pitches. Rather demonstrations are a way for the community
to see the relevance, potential, and innovation of the system and to
allow time for discussion with its creator(s).

- Birds of a Feather (BoF) Sessions. We invite proposals for break-out
sessions during ICLP to provide informal discussions for colleagues
with similar interests in inclusive environments. BoFs are not
intended to be presentations: proposers of BoF sessions should serve
as discussion leaders only.


- 2024 Autumn School in Computational Logic: October 11-12

- Workshops: October 12-13, 2024

- Doctoral Consortium and Mentoring Sessions: October 12-13, 2024
provides students and early career researchers with the opportunity
to present and discuss their research directions, obtain feedback
from both peers and experts, and participate in mentoring sessions
on how to prepare for and succeed in a research career. Leaders in
logic programming research from academia and industry give invited
talks on their research areas. The best paper from the DC will be
given the opportunity to make a presentation in the main ICLP

- Logic Programming in Industry: October 14, 2024

For more information see


All submissions must be written in English. Papers accepted at ICLP may
appear either in

- The journal Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP)
published by Cambridge University Press. TPLP format is described at

- The ICLP 24 Technical Communication Proceedings published by
Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS).
EPTCS format is described at

All accepted papers will be presented during the conference. Authors of
accepted papers will by default be automatically included in the list of
ALP members, who will receive quarterly updates from the Logic
Programming Newsletter at no cost. The forms of submission are as

- Main and Application Tracks All papers must describe original,
previously unpublished research, and must not simultaneously be
submitted for publication elsewhere. (These restrictions do not
apply to previously accepted workshop papers with a limited audience
and/or without archival proceedings.)

Main and Application track submissions may have one of two forms.

- Regular papers are at most 14 pages in TPLP format, including
references. Accepted regular papers will be published either in
a special issue of TPLP or in the Technical Communication
Proceedings of ICLP ’24. In the latter case, papers must be
reformatted into EPTCS format and must not exceed 14 pages.
Authors of Regular papers accepted as Technical Communications
can convert their submissions into extended abstracts (2 or 3
pages in EPTCS format) which should allow authors to submit a
long version elsewhere.

- Short papers (7 pages in EPTCS format, including references).
The accepted short papers will be published in the Technical
Communication Proceedings.

- Recently Published Research Track We invite extended abstracts
describing previously published research (from January 2022 onwards)
in selective journals and conferences, that has not been previously
presented at ICLP. The extended abstract should be 2-3 pages in
EPTCS format and accompanied by a title page with (i) details on
where the original paper appeared, (ii) a link to the original
paper, (iii) a paragraph describing why the authors believe this
work warrants a presentation at ICLP. The extended abstracts will be
published in the Technical Communication Proceedings.

- System Demonstrations We invite extended abstracts (2 or 3 pages in
EPTCS format) describing systems to be demonstrated in a session of
ICLP. System demonstrations should provide highlights of the novel
features of the system, along with information about how to access
it. Accepted abstracts will be published in the Technical
Communication Proceedings.

- Birds of a Feather (BoF) Proposals Finally we invite extended
abstracts (2-3 pages in EPTCS format) that propose breakout sessions
that may take place during the ICLP 24 conference. BOF proposals
should motivate the relevance of the topic to logic programming,
describe the expected audience, identify discussion leaders and
their expertise, and provide a brief description of the activities
during the session. BoF proposals should also discribe the planned
practices to promote inclusion and to foster attendee involvement.
Accepted abstracts will be published in the Technical Communication

Submissions will be made via EasyChair. The submission Web page for
ICLP2023 is


Honorary General Chair: Doug DeGroot
Program Co-chairs: Pedro Cabalar and Theresa Swift
General Chair: Gopal Gupta


ICLP’24 will be held on the campus of the University of Texas at Dallas
in October 2024. Dallas, part of the Dallas/Fort-Worth metroplex, is a
dynamic city with great tourist attractions. Renowned for its unique
blend of modernity and rich cultural heritage, Dallas offers an array of
attractions for visitors: from diverse range of museums, such as the
Dallas Museum of Art and the Perot Museum of Nature and Science, to the
Fort Worth Stockyards that feature the Cattle Drive (twice daily).
Dallas boasts a thriving culinary scene, from sizzling steakhouses to
trendy food trucks, to authentic Tex-Mex cuisine. With a wealth of
entertainment options, including shopping districts, live music venues,
and sports events, a visit to Dallas is a memorable experience.

Program Committee

Salvador Abreu NOVA-LINCS / University of Evora
Mario Alviano University of Calabria
Nicos Angelopoulos The Pirbright Institute
Joaquín Arias Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Marcello Balduccini Saint Joseph's University
Mutsunori Banbara Nagoya University, JAPAN
Chitta Baral Arizona State University
Roman Barták Charles University
Elena Bellodi University of Ferrara
Bart Bogaerts Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Roberta Calegari Alma Mater Studiorum–Università di Bologna
Francesco Calimeri University of Calabria
Manuel Carro Technical University of Madrid and IMDEA Software Inst.
Angelos Charalambidis Harokopio University
Michael Codish Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Stefania Costantini Università dell'Aquila
Alessandro Dal Palù Università degli Studi di Parma
Marina De Vos University of Bath
Marc Denecker Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Agostino Dovier Univ. di UDINE
Thomas Eiter TU Wien
Esra Erdem Sabanci University
Wolfgang Faber Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
Jorge Fandinno University of Nebraska Omaha
Johannes K. Fichte Linköping University
Fabio Fioravanti University of Chieti-Pescara
Andrea Formisano Università di Udine
Gerhard Friedrich Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt
Marco Gavanelli University of Ferrara
Martin Gebser University of Klagenfurt
Laura Giordano DISIT, Università del Piemonte Orientale
Ricardo Gonçalves Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
Gopal Gupta University of Texas at Dallas
Markus Hecher Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Giovambattista Ianni University of Calabria, Italy
Daniela Inclezan Miami University
Tomi Janhunen Tampere University
Matthias Knorr Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
Mark Law ILASP limited
Joao Leite Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
Michael Leuschel University of Düsseldorf
Yuliya Lierler University of Nebraska at Omaha
Vladimir Lifschitz The University of Texas at Austin
Francesca Alessandra Lisi Università degli Studi di Bari ``Aldo Moro''
Yanhong A. Liu Stony Brook University
Marco Maratea DIBRIS, University of Genova
Viviana Mascardi DIBRIS, University of Genova
Laurent Michel University of Connecticut
Jose F. Morales IMDEA Software Research Institute
Johannes Oetsch Jönköping University
Manuel Ojeda-Aciego University of Malaga
Simona Perri University of Calabria
Enrico Pontelli New Mexico State University
Francesco Ricca niversity of Calabria
Fabrizio Riguzzi University of Ferrara
Ricardo Rocha University of Porto
Chiaki Sakama Wakayama University
Vitor Santos-Costa DCC-FCUP
Zeynep G. Saribatur TU Wien
Torsten Schaub University of Potsdam
Konstantin Schekotihin Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt
Tom Schrijvers Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Tran Cao Son New Mexico State University
Mohan Sridharan University of Edinburgh
Paul Tarau University of North Texas
Hans Tompits TU Wien
Mirek Truszczynski University of Kentucky
German Vidal MiST, VRAIN, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
Concepcion Vidal University of Coruña
Alicia Villanueva VRAIN - Universitat Politècnica de València
Kewen Wang Griffith University
David Warren SUNY Stony Brook
Felix Weitkämper Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität München
Jan Wielemaker Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Stefan Woltran TU Wien
Roland Yap National University of Singapore
Jia-Huai You University of Alberta
Zhizheng Zhang Southeast University, Nanjing China
Yuanlin Zhang Texas Tech University
Neng-Fa Zhou CUNY Brooklyn College and Graduate Center

Related Resources

LPNMR 2024   17th International Conference on Logic Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2024)
ICLP 2024   International Conference on Logic Programming
BEWARE 2024   3rd International Workshop on Emerging Ethical Aspects of AI
SYNASC 2024   26th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing
CPAIOR 2024   International Conference on the Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research
ASPLOS 2025   The ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
OOPSLA 2025 Round 2 2025   Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications (Round 2)
TASE 2025   19th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering
TASE 2025   19th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering
ASPLOS 2025   The ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems