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ICCSSE 2025 : 2025 IEEE 11th International Conference on Control Science and Systems Engineering (ICCSSE 2025)


When Oct 17, 2025 - Oct 19, 2025
Where Beijing, China
Submission Deadline May 30, 2025
Categories    robotics   systems engineering   artificial intelligence   manufacturing

Call For Papers

Full name: 2025 IEEE 11th International Conference on Control Science and Systems Engineering (ICCSSE 2025)
Abbreviation: ICCSSE 2025
October 17-19, 2025, Beijing, China

Following the success of previous ICCSSEs, ICCSSE 2025 is sponsored by National Space Science Center, CAS, Beijing Institute of Control Robotics and Intelligent Technology, take place in Beijing, China, during October 17-19, 2025. ICCSSE 2025 is supported by China Agricultural University, China, Guangdong University of Technology, China, and Concordia University, Canada.
ICCSSE 2025 allows the results of hard work and forward thinkers to be championed to our peers and the world. The depth of the research works presented is even greater than those in the previous conferences.

*Conference Proceedings
All Accepted and presented papers will be published into Conference Proceedings, and indexed by Ei Compendex, Scopus, like the previous years.

*Conference History
2024 Beijing, China-Online Soon
IEEE ISBN: 979-8-3315-1718-2
Photos&more information, please refer to

2023 Shenzhen, China-Ei&Scopus
IEEE ISBN: 979-8-3503-3904-8
Photos&more information, please refer to

2022 Guangzhou, China (virtual)--Ei&Scopus
IEEE ISBN: 978-1-6654-8412-1
Online in IEEE Xplore:
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2021 Qingdao, China (virtual)--Ei&Scopus
IEEE ISBN: 978-1-6654-4404-0
Online in Xplore:
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2020 Beijing, China (virtual)--Ei&Scopus
IEEE ISBN: 978-1-7281-9845-3
Online in Xplore:
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2019 Shanghai, China--Ei&Scopus
IEEE ISBN: 978-1-7281-4530-3
Online in Xplore:
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2018 Wuhan, China--Ei&Scopus
IEEE ISBN:978-1-5386-7886-2
Online in Xplore:
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2017 Beijing, China--Ei&Scopus
IEEE ISBN:978-1-5386-0483-0
Online in Xplore:
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2016 Singapore--Ei&Scopus
IEEE ISBN: 978-1-4673-9871-8
Online in Xplore:
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* Call for Papers:
The scientific program will largely but not uniquely, concentrate around the topics listed below:
1. Complex Systems and Systems Engineering
2. Control Theory and Control Techniques
3. Implementation and Applications

* Special Sessions
S-01: Space Autonomous Detection Payload Technology
Chair: Xiaomu Wang, Nanjing University, China
S-02: Intelligent Sensing and Fusion Technology
Chair: Rongrong Ji, Xiamen University, China
S-03: Dexterous Operation of Space Robots
Chair: Xueqian Wang, Tsinghua University, China
S-04: Autonomous Detection Technology of Small Celestial Bodies in Deep Space
Chair: Maodeng Li, Beijing Institute of Control Engineering
S-05: Space Intelligent Mission Planning Technology
Chair: Duo Liu, Chongqing University, China
S-06: Space Radar Array Computing Technology
Chair: Cheng Hu, Beijing Institute of Technology
S-07: Application Technology of Air and Space Large Models
Chair: Si Liu, Beihang University, China
S-08: Deep Space Payload Integrated Processing Technology
Chairs: Changbin Xue, Haitao Xu, National Space Science Center, CAS
S-09: Reliability Design of Intelligent Autonomous Systems
Chair: Dezhen Yang, Beihang University, China
S-10: Autonomous Attention Recognition Technology
Chair: Mingming Cheng, Nankai University, China
S-11: End-loaded Intelligent Computing Technology
Chair: Yazhou Yao, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China
S-12: Hybrid Enhanced Intelligent Computing Architecture
Chair: Pengju Ren, Xi’an Jiaotong University
S-13: Multi-agent Collaborative Sensing and Control Technology
Chairs: Changxin Gao, Yuanyuan Zhang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
S-14: Modern Small Satellite Design Technology
Chairs: Zhaowei Sun, Ming Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
S-15: Space Intelligent Satellite Design Technology
Chair: Liang Ding, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
S-16: Space Intelligent Remote Sensing Processing Technology
Chair: Liang Chen, Beijing Institute of Technology, Chengdu, China
S-17: Space Quantum Physics Computing Technology
Chair: Zizhu Wang, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
S-18: Parallel Computing and On-orbit Information Processing Technology
Chair: Xianyun Wu, Weiying Xie, Xidian University, China
S-19: Autonomous Lunar Surface Detection Technology
Chair: Dapeng Han, Zhejiang University, China
S-20: Self-organizing Network Unmanned Collaboration Technology
Chair: Ling Lu, Chongqing University of Technology, China
S-21: Space Intelligent Navigation and Positioning
Chair: Zhang Li, National University of Defense Technology, China
S-22: Satellite-ground Integrated Satellite Application System Design Technology
Chair: Jianwei Gao, Institute of Spacecraft Application System Engineering, China
S-23: Deep Space Planetary Mapping and Environmental Perception Technology (Click)
Chairs: Rong Huang, Zhen Ye, Tongji University, China

*Conference Awards
Young Scientist Award
Outstanding Organization Award
Outstanding Reviewer Award
Best Paper Award
Best Student Paper Award
Best Oral Presentation Award
Best Poster Presentation Award

By submission system:

Yulong International Hotel Beijing (pending)
Add: 40 Fucheng Road, near Air Force General Hospital 6-16F, Block C of Tanglang Town

When your company or organization joins the industry’s leading corporations and organizations as a sponsor, it will have established its commitment to the future of energy for the world to see.
Send the mail to get the details.

Ms. Claire Hu

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