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NetSci 2020 : NetSci 2020 - Computer Science Track


When Jul 6, 2020 - Jul 10, 2020
Where Rome, Italy
Submission Deadline Mar 6, 2020
Notification Due Apr 20, 2020
Categories    network analysis   social media   learning models

Call For Papers

NetSci 2020 Computer Science Track - Call for papers

This year, NetSci 2020 will feature a track on Computer Science ( which is dedicated to original unpublished works in the areas of network models, algorithms, and applications. We welcome papers on algorithmic and application topics related to networks and graph mining. Accepted papers will be published in a major Computer Science Proceeding series.

Topics include but are not limited to:

* Networks Analysis
* Social Recommender Systems
* Fairness, Trustworthiness and Transparency in Social Media
* Influence, viral marketing and information propagation
* Sampling, experiments, and evaluation in social networks
* User activity modelling and exploitation
* Interpretable models of individual and social behaviour
* Network models and algorithms
* Large-scale graph analysis
* Deep learning and graph embeddings
* Centrality, Community detection and Link prediction
* Probabilistic, temporal and spatial networks
* Multilayer networks

We also welcome submissions from biological, ecological and financial networks to study collective and individual behaviours of new phenomena.

Important Dates:
Deadline for submission: March 6, 2020 (23:59 CET)
Notification to authors: April 20, 2020

Submission format:
Submissions must represent new and original work. Concurrent submissions, that is, papers under review to other conferences or journals, are not allowed. However, submissions that are available online or have been previously presented orally or as posters with no formal proceedings, are allowed.
The Computer Science track accepts two types of submissions, regular papers and posters. During submission you will be asked to indicate your preference for one of these options.

Papers must be submitted in PDF in A4 or letter paper format using 11pt fonts, at least 1inch margins. Submissions should not exceed 12 pages including any diagrams or appendices, plus up to 3 additional pages of references.
The PDF files must have all non-standard fonts embedded. Submissions must be self-contained and in English. After uploading your submission, please verify the copy stored on the submission site properly. Submissions that do not follow these guidelines, or do not view or print properly, may be rejected without review. Upon request of the authors, the paper can be considered for oral/poster presentation if not accepted for full paper publication in proceedings.

Posters must be submitted in PDF in A4 or letter paper format using 11pt fonts, at least 1inch margins. Submissions should not exceed 5 pages including any diagrams or appendices, plus up to 1 additional page of references.
The PDF files must have all non-standard fonts embedded. Submissions must be self-contained and in English.

Review Process
Each paper will be reviewed by at least three PC members. The acceptance decisions will take into account paper novelty, technical depth, elegance, practical or theoretical impact, and presentation.

The algorithms, resources and methods used within a paper should be described as completely as possible. Authors may reference supplementary material, including detailed descriptions, test datasets or code. However, this information is not part of the submission proper, and will be read only at the discretion of the reviewers. Wherever appropriate, the authors are encouraged to use publicly available test collections and state-of-the-art baselines. Please consider sharing your intermediate/final experimental results and code with the research community.

Publication and Presentation
We are currently in the process of negotiating publication with some of the most relevant publishers in the field.

Related Resources

ACM SAC 2025   40th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing
SOTICS 2025   The Fifteenth International Conference on Social Media Technologies, Communication, and Informatics
ICISIP 2025   The 12th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2025
FoIKS 2026   International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems
CCEAI-Buenos Aires, Argentina 2026   2026 10th International Conference on Control Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (CCEAI 2026)
Sensors journal 2025   Special Issue on Energy-Efficient Communication Networks and Systems: 2nd Eition
Ei/Scopus-ARAEML 2025   2025 2nd International Conference on Advanced Robotics, Automation Engineering and Machine Learning (ARAEML 2025)
HPC Conferences 2025   Cloud Computing, HPC, and Computer Systems Conferences
GD 2025   The 33rd International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2025)
IEEE CNCIT 2025   2025 4th International Conference on Networks, Communications and Information Technology (CNCIT 2025)