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MMMSE 2011 : 2nd International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics


When Mar 27, 2011 - Mar 30, 2011
Where Orlando, Florida, USA
Submission Deadline Jan 6, 2011
Notification Due Feb 7, 2011
Final Version Due Feb 22, 2011
Categories    complexity   modeling   engineering

Call For Papers

Call For Abstracts, Papers, and Invited Sessions Organizers ========================================================================
International Symposium on Qualitative, Quantitative and Hybrid Models and Modeling Methodologies in Science and Engineering: MMMse 2011
March 27th-30th, 2011 ~ Orlando, Florida, USA.

In the context of The 2nd International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics: IMCIC 2011 (
Submissions for face-to-face and virtual presentations are accepted and in both cases the respective final papers will be included in the proceedings.

Important dates
Abstract/paper Submissions and invited sessions proposals: Jan 6th, 2011
Acceptance notification: Feb 7th, 2011
Final Papers Upload: Feb 22nd 2011

Best papers:
A best paper will be selected for each session, and the best 20% of the papers presented at the symposium will also be published in the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics (All papers to be presented at the conference will be included in the conference proceedings)

Submissions will be reviewed in two-tier reviewing process: non-blind and double-blind reviewing.

Invited sessions organizers
Registration fees will be waived for EFFECTIVE invited session organizers.

The purpose of MMMse 2011's Organizing Committee is to bring together modelers in science and engineering

1. to present qualitative, quantitative, or hybrid models and/or methods in
Science and Engineering (authors are encouraged to present models
related to the topics of the collocated symposia and conferences), and/or
to the topics of the collocated symposia and conferences), and/or 2. to share their reflections regarding modeling practice and methodologies,
3. to participate in informal conversational sessions (beside the usual
sessions where they would present their accepted papers) with the
objective of identifying
a. synergic relationships among the different methodologies and
ways of modeling in Science and Engineering;
b. common grounds of modeling in different disciplines, or with
different methods, so the identified commonalities would support
inter-disciplinary communicational processes among modelers, in
the different areas and through different methods, in Science
and Engineering;
c. similarities in different kinds of modeling which would support
creative analogical thinking in this kind of thinking and

Suggested Types of Submissions:
• Articles related to Models and/or Reflective Practice in Modeling in
Science and/or Engineering
• Articles related to specific models presented as case studies,
where the model is presented with a reflection on modeling method
followed and its potential applicability in other disciplines or areas.
• Articles related to modeling methods and methodologies.
• Articles related to Meta-Modeling: models of modeling processes,
methods, and/or methodologies.
• Articles related to differences among different kinds of modeling, their
respective pros and cons, and/or the ways of synergistically combining
or mixing them for specific purposes, as it is the case in some specific
engineering problems.
• Articles related to syncretistic, eclectic, or integrative methodologies
in hybrid modeling.

MMMse 2011 Organizing committee

If you wish to be removed from this mailing list, please send an email to with REMOVE MLCONFERENCES in the subject line. Address: Torre Profesional La California, Av. Francisco de Miranda, Caracas, Venezuela.

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