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2018 2018 : International Conference Literature (&), (In)tangible Heritage


When Oct 11, 2018 - Oct 12, 2018
Where NOVA-FCSH (Lisbon, Portugal)
Submission Deadline Jun 15, 2018
Categories    literature   heritage   history   humaities

Call For Papers


International Conference Literature (&), (In)tangible Heritage
FCSH, NOVA University (Lisbon, Portugal)
11-12 October 2018

Throughout 2018, we are celebrating diverse cultural heritage across Europe. The aim of the European Year of Cultural Heritage is to encourage more people to discover and engage with Europe’s cultural heritage, and to reinforce a sense of belonging to a common European space. The slogan for the year is: “Our heritage: where the past meets the future”.

The Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies (CETAPS), at FCSH-NOVA University of Lisbon, and at the University of Oporto, the European Studies Programme, University of Guelph (Canada), the Museum of Contemporary Art (Chiado, Lisbon), and the Área de Filologías Gallega y Portuguesa / Universidad de Extremadura (Spain) will join the celebration(s) in Portugal through an international conference to discuss literature as/and (in)tangible heritage(s).

Venue: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, New University of Lisbon, Portugal

Working languages: Portuguese, English, Spanish. No translation will be provided.

We will privilege comparative and transdisciplinary approaches.

Potential contributors are invited to submit a bionote and a 300-word abstract on themes related to any of the following conference tracks:

Rethinking (local, regional, national, European and world) intangible heritage
Sharing culture(s) and heritage(s)
Literary representation, values and ideology
Literature and tangible heritage
Heritage and education
Heritage and war
Heritage and Politics
Heritage and Economics
Literary representation and space(s)
Literary representation and time
Literature and cinema
Comic strips
Websites / intermediality / multimodality
Artistic adaptations / intersemiotic translation
Dance and music as heritage
Foodscapes / drinkscapes
Rites, rituals and festivities
Cultural practices
Arts & Crafts / Artisanal processes / traditional technologies
Museums and Intangible Heritage
Games, sports and leisure activities
Interarts dialogue
Performative arts
Narrating emotions
Ecocriticism: Literature and nature as heritage
Literature, Heritage and Tourism (Literary Tourism)
Making what you can’t see visible: Guided tours and intangible heritage
Heritage and natural/human-made catastrophes
Writing and Heritage
Book flow and market
Libraries and bookstores as archives and monuments
Historiography and identities
History and Literature
Anthropology and Literature
What/how can the historical novel teach us?
Literature and national arts, myths and themes
Literature, stereotypes and identities
Oral and Traditional Literature
Worshipping / Religion
Intangible heritage and colonial expansion
Heritage and archives
Heritage and contemporaneity
Themes related to the Unesco Lists of Intangible Cultural Heritage and the Register of good safeguarding practices (

Papers and panels on the above themes are invited. However, papers/panels on other subjects related to the above topics will also be considered. Participants will be held to a twenty-minute presentation limit.

Please submit an abstract and a bio note, by 15 June 2018, to:
Rogerio Miguel Puga:

To ensure prompt notification, please include your e-mail address on your submission. If you are interested in chairing a session, please note this at the top of your abstract.

Event website:
Event on Facebook:

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