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FHExpos St George UT 2011 : Family History Expos St. George UT 2011 Call for Papers


When Feb 25, 2011 - Feb 26, 2011
Where St. George, UT
Submission Deadline Dec 30, 2010
Categories    genealogy   family history

Call For Papers

Presenters on our speaker list receive direct email with details on our upcoming Expos as they are added to the event calendar. If you would like to be added to our speaker list please submit your current email address to Insert “Add to Speaker List” in the subject line. In the main body of the message include a bio of 50 words or less and a brief description of your expertise.

Reasons to participate:

Family History Expos is a beacon in a sea of family history information, every participant makes our light brighter and together we can help many others successfully locate their family history

Presenters have an opportunity to share their expertise to large groups of family history enthusiasts

Networking with other professionals and potential clients can grow your business
Speaking about your family history products and services to attendees in a classroom setting has great impact and lets our attendees get to know you better

Presenters can sharpen skills by teaching and learning from others
Consider your time as an investment advertising to let people know who you are

Speaker Emphasis for 2011:

The theme for 2011 is “We Teach Old Dogs New Tricks!” We want enthusiastic presenters who have expertise in a subject and want to share their knowledge with others

Presentations should be submitted for beginner, experienced, and advanced level researchers

Classes directed towards building presentation skills are needed for librarians, family history consultants, and those desiring to become professional speakers

Topics Desired:

Creating reasonable research goals based on repositories, methodology, skill building and analysis

Increasing organizational skills using charts, forms, and computer software

Building strong research skills, analysis, and presentation of findings for all levels of experience

Discuss Internet and email for beginning to advanced users

Using social networks to successfully connect with others who have common interests and research goals

Geographic topics based on location, cultural awareness, ethnicity, immigration, emigration, and naturalization

Advanced topics focused on special collections, advanced methodologies, and new innovative tools for expert analysis

Submission Requirements:

Submit up to eight presentation proposals per Expo

Subject line of email submissions must include Expo Name and Date;

Example: Submission Atlanta Family History Expo November 12-13, 2010

Please include the following information with your presentation proposals:

Company Name
City, State Zip
Digital Photo
Presentation Title
Audience Level (Beginner, Experienced, or Advanced)
Topic Summary
Detailed Description
Basic Presentation Outline
Special Considerations

Direct questions and submission proposals to

Expertise Definitions:

(Beginner) ~ Just getting started with family history research or a new research subject
(Experienced) ~ Have spent time doing research already, familiar with some of the tools, eager to learn more
(Advanced) ~ Could teach a class or give personal assistance to a beginner, experienced, or advanced researcher

Sample Presentation Titles and Topic Summary:

1. Online Pedigree Charts and Other Great Forms (Beginner)
This class will focus on using various charts and forms to aid in the process of basic research. It will guide the student into a path leading to proper analysis of information as they move through the research process. Examples of different forms will be presented.

2. The Ethnic Experience (Experienced)
This lecture will focus on US migration routes and settlement patterns. We will examine ethnic and religious migrations and identify the key record sources and maps needed to help you discover your ancestor’s movements in America and to accurately document their lives. Many online resources will be investigated.

3. Beyond the Basics to Success (Experienced-Advanced)
The focus of this class is on mastering US probate records. We will explore testate vs. intestate estates, types of wills, unrecorded wills, probate proceedings and the myriad related records including administrations, petitions, bonds, inventories, accounts, property divisions, publications, releases, guardianships and a vast number of miscellaneous records.

Additional Information:

In order to keep attendance costs to a minimum Family History Expos does not pay speakers or reimburse for food, travel, or lodging expenses. Presenters will, however, receive the full Expo registration, complete Expo syllabus on CD, and a gift pack.

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