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GSWG 2019 : Global Status of Women and Girls Conference


When Mar 21, 2019 - Mar 23, 2019
Where Christopher Newport University
Submission Deadline Oct 1, 2018
Notification Due Oct 15, 2018
Categories    humanities   gender   social sciences   cultural studies

Call For Papers

Global Status of Women and Girls
to be held at CNU, March 21-23, 2019

We are pleased to announce that the theme for this year’s conference is: Intersectionality:
Understanding Women’s Lives and Resistance in the Past and Present

This interdisciplinary conference uses tools of the arts, humanities, social sciences, and other fields to address challenges faced by women and girls around the world, both historically and today. Our 2019 conference theme marks the 30th anniversary of Kimberlé Crenshaw’s use of the term “intersectionality” as well as the 400th anniversary of the first Africans arriving in Hampton and the Jamestown Colony in 1619. Given the close proximity to Jamestown and Hampton, this year’s conference will especially highlight the ways in which gender intersects race, ethnicity, class, sexuality and other identity markers in complex ways. To this end, we welcome proposals that use an intersectional approach to understand these subjects, as well as the interconnectedness of systems of oppression, power, and privilege.
Topics may include but are not limited to the past and/or present role of intersectionality in:

• Social movements
• Women’s writing and narratives
• Artistic representations of women (film, literature, music etc.)
• Motherhood and family life
• Sexuality and gender identity
• Reproductive Rights
• Politics

• Social media
• Employment
• Poverty
• Education
• Health
• Violence
• Religion
• Law

Submissions from any academic discipline are welcome, including but not limited to art, history, philosophy, religious studies, sociology, psychology, environmental science, medicine, biomedical ethics, economics, political science, gender studies, communication studies and literature. We also invite professionals in nonacademic settings to submit proposals.

Both panel and individual paper proposals are welcome.
Please submit a 350 to 500-word abstract by October 1st, 2018 at:

Please include with your abstract: your full name and your academic or professional affiliation and rank (graduate student, professor, artist, etc.). Abstracts that greatly exceed the 500-word count may not be considered. We will also include a few competitively selected undergraduate panels in the 2019 conference. All submissions will be peer reviewed and those accepted will be notified no later than October 15th, 2018.

Paper presentations will ideally be 15-20 minutes in length and can be considered for our annual publication
Please direct inquiries about the conference to

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