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Crime fiction 2019 : Crime fiction, detective fiction, thriller


When Oct 28, 2019 - Oct 30, 2019
Where Nitra, Slovakia
Submission Deadline Sep 15, 2019
Categories    literature   crime fiction

Call For Papers

Department of English and American Studies, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia
28th – 30th October 2019

This year the Department of English and American Studies at Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia organizes the 13th colloquium, a traditional event that connects researchers, scholars as well as students.

Each year, there is a different thematic focus which is explored through a series of lectures presented by academics, workshops, film screenings and discussions. The event is aimed primarily at students of humanities.

This year’s event focuses on the Crime fiction, detective fiction and thriller. You can submit a proposal for a presentation (20-40 minutes) on one of the following topics:

Traditional detective fiction
Challenges and innovations in contemporary detective fiction
Subgenres of detective fiction (e.g. historical mystery, cosy mystery, legal thriller, etc.)
Real cases in the context of the genre
Detectives and investigators in popular culture
Crime and investigation as literary themes
Creating tension and its reception
Interpretations of book-to-film adaptations
Interdisciplinary studies focused on crime fiction and thrillers (Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, etc.)

We invite presentations on literature, criticism, film, visual art, cultural studies and philosophy that explore the phenomena described above. Please submit your 200 – word abstract to by 15 September 2019. Please include your institutional affiliation and current email address.

Presented papers will be published in the next issue of the academic journal Ars Aeterna of the Department of English and American Studies at Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (published by and indexed in the De Gruyter database).

Please note:

There is no registration fee for presenters. Participants are responsible for their own travel arrangements and expenses.
While the colloquium brings together scholars and researches from various areas, all the presentations will be addressed primarily to the students of the faculty.

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