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SMSMEO 2012 : International Workshop on Surrogate Modeling and Space Mapping for Engineering Optimization


When Aug 9, 2012 - Aug 11, 2012
Where Reykjavik, Iceland
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    optimization   modeling   design   simulation

Call For Papers

Third International Workshop on Surrogate Modelling and Space Mapping For Engineering Optimization (SMSMEO 2012), August 9-11, 2012, Reykjavik University, Iceland

A three-day workshop on surrogate modeling and space mapping for engineering optimization will be held at Reykjavik University, August 9-11, 2012. The focus will be on techniques and practical applications suited to physically-based design optimization of computationally expensive engineering devices and systems through fast, inexpensive surrogate models, as well as space mapping technology.

The objective is to provide a forum to review and discuss the state of the art in the theory and practice of engineering optimization using surrogates. The workshop will feature several lectures by leading experts in the field as well as a number of technical sessions.

Reykjavik is Iceland's largest city and also the most northerly capital in the world. Iceland marks the boundary between both the Eurasian Plate and the North American Plate. It is an amazing country with magnificent landscapes, unique geological structure, volcanoes, glaciers, geysers, geothermal and hydropower energy.

Workshop Topics include but are not limited to:
•Companion models of engineering devices: ideal, coarse and fine
•The concept of space mapping for modeling and optimization
•Space mapping and response correction techniques
•Surrogate-based modeling and optimization
•Optimization methods for CPU-intensive engineering problems
•Multi-fidelity analysis and optimization
•Function-approximation-based and physics-based surrogate models
•Approximation, interpolation and response surface methodologies
•Engineering optimization through managed surrogates
•Development of surrogate models and surrogate approximations
•Approximation, interpolation and response surface methodologies
•Artificial neural network modeling of devices and systems
•Simulation-driven design
•Adjoint sensitivities in simulation-driven design
•Multidisciplinary design and optimization
•Knowledge-based methods
•Design with tolerances and yield-driven design
•Trust region methodologies for robust algorithms
•Issues of model parameter extraction
•Convergence issues
•Software architectures for optimization-oriented design
•Software frameworks
•Application case studies
•Robust design and optimization with uncertainties
•Numerical experiments and results

Prospective speakers are encouraged to submit their proposals including the talk title and abstract to the organizers:

Slawomir Koziel
Engineering Optimization & Modeling Center
School of Science and Engineering, Reykjavik University
Reykjavik, Iceland

John W. Bandler
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McMaster University
Hamilton, Canada

Qingsha S. Cheng
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McMaster University
Hamilton, Canada

Leifur Leifsson
Laboratory for Unmanned Vehicles, Reykjavik University
Reykjavik, Iceland

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