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Sideways 2020 : 6th International Workshop on Social Media World Sensors @ THE WEB CONFERENCE 2020


When Apr 20, 2020 - Apr 20, 2020
Where Taipei
Submission Deadline Jan 17, 2020
Notification Due Feb 4, 2020
Final Version Due Feb 17, 2020
Categories    social networks   computer science   data mining   web

Call For Papers


web site:

6th International Workshop on Social Media World Sensors, Taipei, 20th April 2020.
Held in conjunction with The Web Conference 2020.


Nowadays Social media platforms represent freely-accessible information networks allowing registered and unregistered members to read, share and broadcast posts, different in format and size, referring to a potentially-unlimited range of topics, by also exploiting the immediateness of handy smart devices. This workshop wants to stress the vision of these powerful communication channels as social sensors, where each user reacts in real time to the underlying reality by providing her own interpretation of the reality that needs to be analysed, understood and interpreted. Technologies on this connectivity may also provide automatic or semi-automatic applications for information detection and integration, offering a sideway to the existing authoritative information media and the information reported by the surrounding community.

Nowadays, online social media platforms have become the most popular communication system all over the world. In fact, due to the accessibility and the public of these platforms, users tend to shift from traditional communication tools (such as traditional web sites) to these social services. For example, 68 percent of U.S. adults get news on social media in 2018, while in 2012, only 49 percent reported seeing news on social media. Billions of messages, in many different formats, are appearing daily in these services such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. The authors of these messages share content about any aspect of their life (public or private), exchanging opinions on a variety of topics and creating and discussing a wide range of events.

Companies like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have unlocked new ways for people to connect, curate, and consume and also see the surrounding reality. Social Media have changed and continue to change how we interact with the web - how content is distributed, discovered, and delivered. They provide inexpensive communication medium that allows anyone to quickly reach and interact with many other users, modifying their point of view and even their interpretation of the facts. Consequently, in these platforms anyone can publish content and anyone interested in the content can obtain it, representing a transformative revolution in our society. These aspects make Social Media services the most powerful sensor for any possible interpretation of reality, by also bringing into question the researchers in defining what reality means. The aim of this workshop is to ask researchers to enter into such view, by studying how Social Media can be used in a real-time scenario to detect events and their interpretations.

In light of this, we stress the importance of recognizing this real-time sensor role of Social Media and propose a research venue to discuss about it.

** TOPICS **
Conference topics include, but are not limited to:
- Social Media Analytics Social Network Analysis
- Topics and Trends Modeling
- Topics and Trends Extraction
- Data Mining on Social Media data
- Social Media Ontology Learning
- Big Data and Social Media
- Social Media as Social Sensors
- Network neutrality
- Cultural Analysis of Social Media
- Information Retrieval and Social Media
- Natural Language Processing
- Hate Speech Detection
- Fake News Detection
- User Interfaces
- Visualization of Social Media data
- Community Detection
- Social Media applications
- Privacy and Social Media


- Paper submission (EXTENDED): January 17th, 2020
- Notification to authors: February 4th, 2020
- Camera-ready: February 17th, 2020
- Workshop date: April 20th, 2020


We welcome original research papers that present novel research ideas and we encourage submissions of greenhouse work, which present early stages of cutting-edge research and development. Position papers regarding work on the beginning and industry papers are also welcome.

** Submissions formats **

Papers submitted should be at most 10 pages long for full research paper and 6 pages for short papers (position and research-in-progress papers). .
The papers need to be written in English.
The presentation of any paper accepted in the workshop requires that at least one of the authors must be registered to the workshop.

Please apply Classification categories and terms. The templates include space and instructions for this indexing.


- Mario Cataldi - Université Paris 8, France
- Luigi Di Caro - Department of Computer Science – University of Turin, Italy
- Claudio Schifanella - Department of Computer Science – University of Turin, Italy

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