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ICDE 2008 : Data Engineering for Blogs, Social Media and Web 2.0


When Apr 11, 2008 - Apr 12, 2008
Where Cancun, Mexico
Submission Deadline Oct 20, 2007
Categories    databases   web 2.0

Call For Papers

Data Engineering for
Blogs, Social Media, and Web 2.0

ICDE 2008 Workshop
11-12 April 2008
Written by Pablo Guerrero
Wednesday, 13 December 2006
Social media systems such as weblogs, photo and link sharing sites, wikis and on-line forums are estimated to produce up to one third of new Web content. Several things set these "Web 2.0" sites apart from traditional Web pages and resources: they are often annotated with semantic metadata, they are intertwined with human social networks and their constituent parts exhibit a rich set of relations and connections through comments, trackbacks, advertisements, tags, and other metadata. Developing models of these new information sources, understanding how to manage them, and developing techniques to extract useful information from them are topics of keen interest.

This one-day ICDE workshop will focus on the data engineering/data management / data mining issues that arise out of work in the area of social media and Web2.0 applications. The participatory and non central controlled nature of such applications opens several new vistas for research. The dominant focus of the workshop will be on presentation of refereed papers both long and short. We will also plan to have a keynote and/or a panel discussion.

Topics will include but are not limited to issues such as graph analysis, trust and reputation in open media, data mining of social media, crawling and indexing, ranking and influence measurement of blogs/bloggers, cross media link detection and analysis, opinion and sentiment detection, measuring and predicting social media phenomenon such as "buzz spread", metadata detection topic detection and tracking.

Workshop Organizers
Tim Finin, Belle Tseng, Anupam Joshi, Yelena Yesha,
Pranam Kolari, Akshay Java, Calton Pu

Important Dates
Paper submission deadline:
October 20, 2007
November 30, 2007
Camera Ready Copy:
December 15, 2007

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