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AMCIS 2011 : Harnessing Social Media for Business Intelligence


When Aug 4, 2011 - Aug 7, 2011
Where Detroit, Michigan, USA
Submission Deadline Feb 17, 2011
Categories    social media

Call For Papers

"Harnessing Social Media for Business Intelligence" Mini Track
in Business Intelligence Systems and Applications Track, AMCIS 2011

Detroit, Michigan, August 4-7, 2011

The success of Web 2.0, often attributed to the strong user presence and
user-to-user interaction, has made social media (blogs, forums, social
networking sites) and user generated contents tremendous assets for supporting
critical business intelligence applications. The knowledge gained from social
media can potentially lead to the development of novel services that are better
tailored to users' needs and at the same time meet the objectives of businesses
offering them. New designs and technologies, such as data and text mining,
semantic web, machine learning, visualization, knowledge management and virtual
world systems, also play an important role in the understanding, analysis, and
application of social media. This mini track seeks original research papers that
investigate the theories and practices addressing the social media analytics issue.
We welcome papers that have theoretical, empirical, design, methodological, and
practical implications, in the following topics, but not limited to:

?E Sentiment analysis and opinion mining
?E Social network mining and analysis
?E Expert ranking and social influence
?E Social media content spidering, collection, and archiving
?E Human-system interaction for social activities
?E Social behavior modeling and simulation
?E Social network evolution
?E Wiki and collaborative filtering
?E Market prediction

Track Chairs:
Ching-Sheng Yang, Yuan Ze University (
Min Song, New Jersey Institute of Technology (
Christopher C. Yang, Drexel University (

AMCIS 2010 Website:

Submission Instructions:

Important Dates:
2/17/2011 Submission deadline
3/24/2011 Authors notified of paper acceptance decision
4/21/2011 Camera-Ready Papers due

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