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SoHuman 2012 : 1st International Workshop on Social Media for Human Computation


When Sep 3, 2012 - Sep 3, 2012
Where Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Abstract Registration Due May 27, 2012
Submission Deadline Jun 3, 2012
Categories    social media   social networks

Call For Papers

Human computation is a paradigm considering humans as distributed task-solvers as a part of intelligent computational systems. It leverages human reasoning to solve complex tasks that are easy for humans but difficult for purely computational approaches. Effective realizations of this paradigm typically require participation of a large number of distributed users over the Internet. Though rarely explicitly addressed as such, social media and related technologies often provide the enabling methods and technologies for realization of such models. Examples of human computation applications include crowdsourcing marketplaces (e.g. Amazon Mechanical Turk), crowdsourcing service providers (e.g. Microtask, CrowdFlower) or games with a purpose. While the former provide coordination services for workers performing tasks for financial awards the latter motivate user participation through game-based scenarios.

The workshop invites researchers and practitioners from research and industry to discuss the challenges and opportunities of applying social media to developing and implementing new kinds of human computation systems and applications. We are interested in contributions that interrelate experiences from social media and human computation research. This involves questions such as:

How can we design effective incentive systems for large-scale participation?
How do we design tasks at different levels of complexity that can still be solved reliably by individual contributions?
How can we use social media techniques for new models of coordination (e.g. social network analysis for task-routing)?
How can lessons from distributed problem-solving in collaborative systems and social networks lead to novel classes of human computation tasks and applications?

We particularly solicit contributions emphasizing social media and human computation as it is used in practice (i.e. in terms of specific problems and use cases) in diverse domains and types of applications, such as: multimedia search, enterprise and medical applications, cultural heritage, social data analysis or open science. This also includes open social networks involving different user groups in heterogeneous settings (e.g. end-users, small and medium-sized businesses, scientists, policy makers, citizens). In this way, the workshop will contribute to identifying best-practices and opportunities for new approaches to designing and implementing human computation systems.

Workshop topics include (but not limited to):

Social media in human computation systems
Social incentive models for human computation
Social-network analysis for human computation
Applications of social media visualization to human computation
Social coordination techniques for human computation
Social search and human computation
Trust models and reputation systems for human computation
Expertise-inference techniques and their application to task routing
Quality assurance in distributed human intelligence tasks
Social sensing in human computation approaches
Domain-specific challenges and use cases in social media for human computation

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