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CW 2013 : International Conference on Cyberworlds


Conference Series : Cyberworlds
When Oct 21, 2013 - Oct 23, 2013
Where Yokohama, Japan
Submission Deadline May 17, 2013
Categories    computer graphics

Call For Papers

Cyberworlds are information worlds or communities created on cyberspace by collaborating participants either intentionally or spontaneously. As information worlds, they accumulate information regardless whether or not anyone is in, and they can be with or without 2D or 3D visual graphics appearance. The examples of such cyberworlds are communities created in different social networking services, 3D shared virtual environments, and multiplayer online games. Cyberworlds are closely related to the real world and have a serious impact on it, augment and sometimes replace the real life and become a significant component of real economy. The international conferences on Cyberworlds have being organized annually since 2002 with the proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society and special issues published in multiple journals, including The Visual Computer and Springer Transactions on Computational Science.

The topics covered by Cyberworlds 2013 will include but are not limited to

Networked and shared virtual worlds
Virtual collaborative spaces
Shape modeling for cyberworlds
Virtual humans and avatars
Multimodal interaction and rendering
Computer vision for augmented and mixed reality
Cognitive informatics
Brain-computer interfaces
Affective computing
Social computing
Online communities
E-learning in cyberworlds
Multi-user web games
Art and heritage in cyberspace, cyber-museums
Cyberethics and cyberlaws
Welfare in cyberworlds
Data mining and warehousing in cyberworlds
Visual analytics in cyberworlds

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