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CMCVR 2011 : Cloud-Mobile Convergence for Virtual Reality Workshop


When Mar 20, 2011 - Mar 20, 2011
Where Singapore
Submission Deadline Feb 6, 2011
Notification Due Feb 27, 2011
Final Version Due Mar 14, 2011
Categories    cloud   mobile   virtual reality

Call For Papers

Today's mobile devices improve significantly in processing performance, multimedia rendering power and storage capacity. However, their capabilities are still (and naturally will be) limited by the intrinsic requirements of small form factor, low power consumption and acceptable price cost. At the same time, internet-based VR contents, resources and systems have witnessed rapid growth in recent years. An emerging trend is to make use of the broadband connectivity of mobile devices effectively for seamless access of the virtual environment computing and content storage clouds. We believe that by bridging the clouds and mobile devices, it is hopeful to provide better immersion and interaction experience for the VR users in a pervasive context. This promising scenario calls for research advances on several key aspects, including new architecture of infrastructure, enabling technologies for mobile devices, optimized representation and distribution of contents, applications that adopt the cloud-mobile convergence paradigm and comprehensive understanding of the user needs. This workshop intends to bring its participants together on these important and interesting issues.

Organized by the researchers that have worked on distributed VR systems, pervasive computing and mobile devices for years, this workshop is in its third year in conjunction with IEEE VR conference. We would like to invite researchers and practitioners alike to participate in the discussion of topics related to infrastructure, device, content, application and user aspects of cloud-mobile convergence for VR. We will also examine representative systems that feature some characteristics of this concept. The papers, presentations and supplemental submission materials will provide the basics for the plenary discussion. The list of topics includes but is not limited to:

* Architectures of infrastructure that facilitate cloud-mobile convergence.
* Design spaces and principles for VR systems that integrate clouds and mobile devices.
* Enabling technologies, such as wireless broadband technologies, task distribution and scheduling algorithms, and network streaming methods.
* Design and implementation of novel devices.
* Presentation, customization and personalization techniques for virtual contents.
* State-of-the-art applications.
* Related perception and human factor issues.
* User studies and experience surveys.

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