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ET 2018 : Entertainment Technology Summit and Exhibition 2018 (Post Proceedings)


When Sep 22, 2018 - Sep 27, 2018
Where Montreal
Submission Deadline Dec 20, 2018
Categories    EC   AR   VR   HCI

Call For Papers

The 3rd Entertainment Technology Summit is a crucial media for constructing a platform of mutual academic learning and communication about entertainment technology and everything that surrounds it. ET specialists and peers will discuss multimedia technology, HCI, AR/VR, post-production tools and techniques, and speculate on the future cinema and its convergence with CG, AI, serious games, and other domains. At the same time, we present both historical accounts of ET as well a state of the art.


Post-proceedings are after the summit. Contact et AT or General Chair, Serguei Mokhov,

ET Summit is an integral part of festival.

CCIFF is hosted by Canada China Art-Tech (CCAT), a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering relations and understandings between China and Canada, by connecting stakeholders in art and technology and digital interactive media, promoting Canadian and Chinese culture, artists to collaborate internationally.

This year is the Canada-China Year of Tourism, the 3rd Edition Canada China International Film Festival is in celebration of this great event.

With 20% of the global market, China has the fastest growing film and television industry in the world. It is about to surpass the United States, traditionally leaders in this sector. The Canada China International Film Festival offers a unique opportunity to explore the potential of this market and develop Sino-Canada business relations. Companies such as China Film Producers’ Association, World Film Report from CCTV-6, and more well-known filmmakers and producers will be present during the event.


The Canada China International Film Festival, proud partner of The QFTC (the Quebec Film and Television Council), are pleased to announce their partnership for the 3rd edition of the festival.

September 25th and 26th: Organization of two familiarization tours

The QFTC, Tourism Montreal, and CCIFF will take the opportunity to invite 20 Chinese producers and key decision-makers in three familiarization tours (Fam Tours), one devoted to production and the other to the field of virtual and augmented reality. These three Fam Tours will include studio visits as well as business meetings with partners and members of the QFTC.

September 27: Information Sessions on Funding and Networking

The day of September 27 will offer several activities specifically dedicated to business development.

Morning: the day will begin with an information session on film and television financing in China and then in Quebec, including an overview of available tax incentives by Telefilm and SODEC.

Afternoon: the program will continue with the Entertainment Technology Summit and Exhibition, and Pitches and B2B networking session, led by various professionals and academics in the field of new technologies, including virtual and augmented reality, as well as testimonials from Quebec companies already successfully working with China. Participants will then be invited to take part in the exhibition and a networking session that includes representatives from established companies such as MELS, Youku, Felix and Paul, Summer Star Media, CAS-Visual-Dimension Culture Technology, and others.

Finally, the day will end with the closing Gala event of the festival, including cocktail, dinner and award ceremony.

More detailed program and related information available:


“This partnership is among the actions carried out by the QFTC as part of its strategy to develop new territories, stemming from its three-year plan for 2018-2021, in order to foster the growth of Québec's audiovisual industry,” said Pierre Moreau, CEO of the QFTC.” All our members are invited to participate in this event, which will be an exceptional opportunity to seize the business opportunities offered by the Chinese market.”

RSVP the latest by September 26, 17:00, at
For more information on the Festival, please visit:

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