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When Jun 15, 2012 - Jun 16, 2012
Where Bologna, Forlì Campus, Italy
Submission Deadline Apr 6, 2012
Categories    economics   social economy   social capital

Call For Papers

The 9th Young Economists’ Workshop on Social Economy
University of Bologna, Forlì Campus, Italy
June 15-16, 2012

Call for papers
Deadline for submissions: April 6, 2012

The Young Economists’ Workshop is intended to give young economists a chance to meet and discuss their work on Social Economy, and to stimulate interaction with peers and tenured scholars.

Theoretical, empirical and experimental papers on topics such as social capital, social norms, cooperative and social enterprises, social preferences, and relational goods are welcome.

If you are interested in presenting, and you are at most 35 years old, please send your paper to by April 6, 2012. Submissions from PhD students are welcome.

The workshop will be hosted by the University of Bologna, Forlì Campus, and features a friendly atmosphere which allows for discussing high quality research in a convivial environment. Regular sessions will be introduced by an opening lecture held by a senior economist.

The organization will sponsor the social dinner for the participants and accommodation for the speakers. In addition, speakers will be entitled of a contribution of up to 150 Euros for travel expenses.
No fee is required, but all participants are warmly requested to attend all sessions.

At the end of the workshop, the most innovative paper will be awarded the 2012 Young Economists’ Workshop on Social Economy Award.

April 6, 2012: Deadline for submissions
April 30, 2012: Notification of acceptance
For more information on the conference, please contact

Scientific committee
Emanuela Carbonara (University of Bologna), Davide Dragone (University of Bologna), Giulio Ecchia (University of Bologna), Paolo Figini (University of Bologna), Raimondello Orsini (University of Bologna), Piero Pasotti (University of Bologna), Fabio Sabatini (La Sapienza University, Roma and Euricse, Trento), Luca Savorelli (University of Bologna), Paolo Vanin (University of Bologna), Giulio Zanella (University of Bologna), Luca Zarri (University of Verona).

Organizing committee
Giulio Ecchia (University of Bologna)
Raimondello Orsini (University of Bologna)
Luca Savorelli (University of Bologna)
Paolo Venturi (AICCON)

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