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HotPOST 2013 : The Fifth International Workshop on Hot Topics in Peer-to-peer computing and Online Social neTworking


When Jul 8, 2013 - Jul 8, 2013
Where Philadelphia
Submission Deadline Mar 6, 2013
Notification Due Mar 23, 2013
Final Version Due Apr 1, 2013
Categories    networking   communication   peer-to-peer   social

Call For Papers

Peer-to-peer (P2P) systems are widely used in today's Internet and produce a significant portion of its traffic. The increasing penetration of wireless technologies, the popularity of mobile and handheld devices, and the rapid growth of their user base call for innovative algorithms, protocols, and applications that benefit from infrastructure-less P2P technologies to support ever-increasing demand. By attracting more than half a billion users worldwide, online social networks (OSNs) provide a new venue of innovation with many challenging and practical research problems. In particular, more and more P2P applications involve social information to enhance the user experience. Also, P2P-based solutions play an important role in preventing OSNs from privacy violations.

The Fifth International Workshop on Hot Topics in Peer-to-peer computing and Online Social neTworking (HotPOST'13) is organized with the objective of bringing together researchers working on the intersection of P2P and OSN to present and discuss their latest research results and ideas, thereby promoting the development and evolution of this area. All submissions on P2P and OSN related to architecture, design, implementation, simulation, analysis and measurement are welcomed. We highly encourage novel and innovative previously unpublished work, even reporting work in early stage. Topics include but are not limited to:

- Social network analysis for P2P and distributed computing systems
- OSN-based systems and designs
- P2P-based social networking architectures
- P2P-based solutions to cloud computing and data center problems
- Evolution of P2P communities and systems
- Reputation, security, incentives, and economics in P2P systems
- Large scale content distribution
- Mobile P2P and social networking systems
- P2P overlays, file sharing, and streaming systems
- User behavior analysis and modeling in OSNs
- Security and privacy in OSNs
- Evolutions and dynamics of OSNs and their implications
- Decentralized OSN Applications
- Social graph analysis
- Location-based services in OSNs

Papers accepted for HotPOST 2013 workshop will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press. All accepted papers will be included in IEEE ICDCS 2013 workshop proceedings, as well as IEEE Xplore (indexed by EI).

Authors are encouraged to submit full papers describing original, previously unpublished, complete research, not currently under review by another conference or journal, addressing state-of-the-art research and development in all areas of P2P/OSN. Papers must be submitted electronically in EasyChair. Papers should be submitted as PDF files, using the IEEE Computer Society proceedings or equivalent format (two column, 10 point, single-spaced, US Letter, no margin smaller than one inch). The maximum size of papers should be 6 pages including tables and figures with up to 1 over-length page. Extra page charge is $150. Each submission will receive at least three independent blind reviews from the TPC. At least one of the authors of every accepted paper must register and present their work at the workshop.

Submission Link:

General Chairs:
Mooi Choo Chuah, Lehigh University, USA
Pan Hui, Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, Germany

TPC Chairs:
Ruichuan Chen, Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland, Germany
Yang Chen, Duke University, USA

Steering Committee Chair :
Baoliu Ye, Nanjing University, China

Publicity Chair
Matthias Wählisch, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

Web Chair
Tianyin Xu, UC San Diego, USA

TPC Members (tentative):
Yuejie Chi, Ohio State University, USA
Bamba Gueye, University Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, Sénégal
Hamed Haddadi, Queen Mary, University of London, UK
Volker Hilt, Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland, Germany
Sanghwan Lee, Kookmin University, Korea
Ang Li, Arista Networks, USA
Cristian Lumezanu, NEC Laboratories America, USA
Aniket Mahanti, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Abedelaziz Mohaisen, Verisign Labs, USA
Jogesh K. Muppala, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Ángel Cuevas Rumín, Institut Telecom SudParis, France
Rubén Cuevas Rumín, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Nishanth Sastry , King's College London, UK
Thorsten Strufe , TU Darmstadt, Germany
Gareth Tyson, Queen Mary, University of London, UK
Feng Wang, The University of Mississippi, USA
Chuan Wu, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Qishi Wu, University of Memphis, USA

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