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ESSCIRC 2010 : 36th European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC)


Conference Series : European Solid-State Circuits Conference
When Sep 13, 2010 - Sep 17, 2010
Where Seville, Spain
Submission Deadline Apr 10, 2010
Categories    VLSI   biomedical engineering   wireless   circuits

Call For Papers

The 40th European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC) and the 36th European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC) will be held in Sevilla on 13 - 17 September 2010.

The aim of the ESSDERC and the ESSCIRC conferences is to provide an annual European forum for the presentation and discussion of recent advances in solid-state devices and circuits.

ESSDERC and its sister conference ESSCIRC are governed by a single Steering Committee. The increasing level of integration for system-on-chip design made available by advances in silicon technology is stimulating more than ever before the need for deeper interaction among technologists, device experts, and circuit and system designers. While keeping separate Technical Program Committees, ESSDERC and ESSCIRC will share Plenary Keynote Presentations and Joint Sessions bridging both communities. Attendees registered for either conference are encouraged to attend any of the scheduled parallel sessions.


Analogue Circuits
Data Converters
RF and mm Wave
Wireless and Wireline Communication Circuits and Systems
Sensors, Imagers and MEMs
Digital Circuits
Processors, Memories, High Speed Interface
Bio-Medical and Bio-Electronic Circuits
Circuit & Systems in Emerging Technologies
Power Management and Energy Scavenging

In addition to contributed papers and plenary lectures, the event will include tutorials, exhibits and satellite workshops to be organized before and after the main conference. An attractive social program will accompany the event, featuring a welcome reception, a gala dinner with awards ceremony, and excursions.

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