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euroITV 2012 : 10th European Interactive TV Conference


Conference Series : European Conference on Interactive TV
When Jul 4, 2012 - Jul 6, 2012
Where Berlin, Germany
Submission Deadline Jan 7, 2012
Categories    interactive tv

Call For Papers

For EuroITV 2012 you can submit your work in different categories, depending on the public you want to reach, or the kind of work you are reporting. When presenting research, you can submit a full paper, short paper, poster or demo. If you’re interested in teaching or learning, you can submit a workshop proposal, tutorial proposal, or as PhD student you can take part in the doctoral consortium. For business oriented work, you can submit a case study to the “iTV in Industry” track.

Submission information:

All submissions should follow the ACM guidelines (download Word template – instructions when using LaTeX →).
Only full and short papers will be published in the main proceedings and the ACM Digital Library, all other submissions will be published in the adjunct proceedings.
Calls & dates:

Open/ Closed
2 No 12th November 2011
2 No 12th November 2011
Full Papers
8-10 Yes,
Anonymized 7th January 2012
Short Papers
4 Yes,
Anonymized 4th March 2012
4 Yes,
Anonymized 4th March 2012
2 No 4th March 2012
Doctoral Consortium
4 No 4th March 2012
iTV in Industry
1 No 25th March 2012
This year’s conference consists of three tracks — each with its own program committee and separate track chairs — coordinated by two overall program chairs. Full papers, short papers and posters have to be submitted in one of these tracks, to optimize the review process. If not sure, choose the track, which is closest to the main topic of your submission, and of which you feel that community is most appropriate to review your work.

Track 1: Human-Computer Interaction
Track 2: Media, Social and Economic Studies
Track 3: Systems and Enabling Technologies

Key areas considered are:
- mobility
- interactivity
- systems, prototypes, & designs
- empowerment (control, accessibility, participation and UGC)
- user & content based application systems
- personalization
- social consumption and communication practices.

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