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EGU-EMRP2.3/ERE6.7 2016 : European Geosciences Union- Advancements in magnetic anomaly studies and natural resources exploration


When Apr 17, 2016 - Apr 22, 2016
Where Austria
Submission Deadline Jan 13, 2016
Categories    magnetic anomaly   exploration   natural resources

Call For Papers

Dear Sir or Madam,
Dear Colleagues,

We are very pleased to announce the start of the Abstract submission for the EGU General Assembly 2016 (EGU2016), 17 – 22 April 2016, Vienna, Austria. You are cordially invited to submit your scientific works to our session:
Advancements in magnetic anomaly studies and natural resources exploration (co-organized)
Convener: Maurizio Fedi
Co-Conveners: Tamara Litvinova, Said GACI, Olga Hachay, Hocine Chellal

This session covers all methods and scales used for registering, processing and understanding of magnetic anomalies and corresponding upper lithospheric sources: from satellite missions to oceanic profiles and detailed ground based arrays, and from mathematical processing to petrophysical and geological ground evidence. Presentations on compilation methods of heterogenous data sets, useful definitions of anomalies, for scientific studies or natural resources exploration purposes, as well as studies of eventual temporal anomaly changes are also encouraged. Cases of geomagnetic applications in exploration and geological interpretation of magnetic anomalies, jointly with other geodata are warmly welcome.

The deadline for the receipt of abstracts is 13 Jan 2016, 13:00 CET. In case you would like to apply for support, please submit no later than 01 Dec 2015.

Best wishes,
Said GACI,
Sonatrach, Algerian Institute of Petroleum, IAP, Boumerdes, Algeria

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