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IACSS 2016 : The 4th International Academic Conference on Social Sciences


When Jul 28, 2016 - Jul 29, 2016
Where Barcelona, Spain
Submission Deadline May 31, 2016
Notification Due May 31, 2016
Final Version Due May 31, 2016
Categories    social sciences   psychology   management, finance   law and politics

Call For Papers

the International Academic Conference on Law, Politics and Management (IACLPM 2016) will be held in Budapest, Hungary on September 8-9, 2016. IACLPM 2016 is an annual International Academic Conference, which covers main fields of Law, Politics and Management. The mission of IACLPM 2016 is to provide a platform for researchers, academicians as well as other professionals from all over the world to present their research results in Law, Political Science and Management. This conference provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and experiences, to establish business or research relations and to find partners for future collaboration. The goal of our conference is also to support, encourage and provide a platform for young researchers to present their research, to network within the international community of other young researchers and to seek the insight and advice of successful senior researchers during the conference.

The language of the conference is English. We welcome paper submissions. Prospective authors are invited to submit full and original research papers which are not submitted, published, under consideration anywhere in other conferences or journals.
We are pleased to announce the conference venue Expo Congress Hotel known as one of the best conference venue in Budapest. You will enjoy with high quality standards of meeting rooms equipped with the latest technology.

We aim to combine scientific activities with an opportunity to meet the historical and gorgeous city of Budapest. It would be possible for attendees to visit the Budapest' modern and historical areas during the city tour which will be offered by organizers of the conference.

We are also pleased to announce that a limited number of papers will receive special awards on the basis of their scientific merit and originality and an Awards Ceremony will take place during the Closing Remarks session of the Conference. Individuals from the same University, Institute or other scientific organization have an opportunity to receive a group discount rate of IACLPM 2016 registration fee.

The organizing committee is working hard to offer you a high quality of scientific and social programme and make the IACLPM 2016 a truly memorable experience for all participants.

We look forward to welcome you at the IACLPM 2016 in Budapest.

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