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Pre-Symposium -SVR 2013 : Pre-Symposium - Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR) - SVR 2013


When May 27, 2013 - May 30, 2013
Where Cuiabá
Submission Deadline Mar 1, 2013
Notification Due Mar 17, 2013
Final Version Due Apr 24, 2013
Categories    virtual reality   augmented reality

Call For Papers

Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR) - SVR 2013
May 27-30 - Cuiabá - Mato Grosso –Brazil
Pre-Symposium Proposal

Virtual and Augmented Reality in the real world

The main objective of the Pre-Symposium is to offer opportunity to the new participants to attend a short course about the concepts and technology of Virtual and Augmented Reality, giving them the basic knowledge to improve their participation in the SVR.
The Pre-Symposium courses are presented by senior researchers from the Virtual and Augmented Reality community. It happens a day before SVR Symposium. The proposal should consider that participants have a minimum knowledge base of the area
In order to facilitate the dissemination of knowledge on Virtual and Augmented Reality, the Pre-Symposium chairs proposed as main subject: Virtual and Augmented Reality in the real world use cases that have reached a large number of users or practical applications. Priority will be given for courses which, in addition to the basic concepts, bring to the public practical innovative and motivational experiences.
Courses should be written in English or Portuguese. Authors may define their presentation layout and a list of related topics within the proposal. A full text must be submitted for final acceptance. Authors should write their full text following the SBC template - SBC Book Chapters available for download here below.
As in previous editions, we intend to generate a reference material composed by basic texts exploring the main concepts, applications and tendencies on Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality.
The proposal submissions (according to the template ) must be sent by email to Marcelo de Paiva Guimarães ( ) with copy to Ezequiel Roberto Zorzal ( and must contain [SVR Pre-Symposium] in the message subject.
For details
- Marcelo de Paiva Guimarães (
- Ezequiel Roberto Zorzal (

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