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CVMP 2013 : 10th European Conference on Visual Media Production


When Nov 6, 2013 - Nov 7, 2013
Where London
Submission Deadline Jun 20, 2013
Categories    visual media production   computer graphics   computer vision

Call For Papers

CVMP 2013 is the 10th annual industry-academic conference series on media production for film, broadcast and games. Visual media production brings together expertise in video processing, computer vision, computer graphics, animation and physical simulation. CVMP provides a forum for presentation of the latest research and application advances combined with key-note and invited talks on state-of-the-art industry practice in content production and post-production. Over the last decade CVMP has continued to build a reputation as a prime venue for researchers to meet with image practitioners in the film and television industry. A significant proportion of the audience is from the film and television post-production industry drawing from
London's vibrant post-production community including high profile post-houses such as Moving Picture Company and Double Negative. This mixture is reflected in the keynote addresses from previous years e.g. Jeremy Doig / Google, Roberto Cipolla / Cambridge University, Sylvain Paris / Adobe. CVMP presents a valuable opportunity for graduate students to understand how their work is relevant for the wider visual production industry. Google/Youtube is sponsoring a best student paper prize of 2000 USD in recognition of the exposure that CVMP brings to students.

High-quality papers are invited which present novel research or applications related to any aspect of media production. We particularly encourage submission of early stage doctoral work. Full length submitted papers will be subject to peer review. The papers will be published in cooperation with Eurographics and ACM (pending). Papers are invited in all areas of visual media production including:

Image and video based modelling
Motion Estimation
Visual effects
3D video capture
Segmentation and matting
Interactive media and games
Camera tracking
Stereo and 3D video processing
Multiple view reconstruction
Infilling, object removal and insertion
TV, film and e-cinema
Video-based human motion capture
Image and video synthesis
Content management systems
Video-based animation
Image annotation and classification

Real-time imaging systems
Scene modelling
Image enhancement and restoration
Post production using 3D and motion
High-dynamic range imaging
Stylisation and cartoon rendering
Multiple camera systems
Illumination and reflectance modelling
Novel imaging devices
Photo-realistic rendering & animation
Omni-directional video
Colour processing
Relighting images and video
3D and stereo production
Media Streaming Technologies

Submissions of full technical papers of up to 10 pages are solicited. Accepted papers will be presented as either oral or posters and will appear in the conference proceedings. Further details of online submission and paper formats will be available shortly.

ONE page papers presenting novel work in progress are also invited for review and will be presented in a special poster session.

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