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Social Media 2019 : IEEE International Conference on Social Media, Wearable and Web Analytics


When Jun 3, 2019 - Jun 4, 2019
Where Oxford, UK
Submission Deadline Jan 26, 2019
Notification Due Jan 26, 2019
Final Version Due Jan 26, 2019
Categories    cyber intelligence   web analytics   social media   social networks

Call For Papers

**** IEEE Social Media 2019, June 3-4, Oxford University, UK ****

-------------------- DESCRIPTION --------------------------------

The IEEE International Conference on Social Media, Wearable and Web Analytics (Social Media 2019), is an international refereed conference dedicated to the advancement of social media, security of social media and consequential impacts and risks due to compromise or security breaches. It covers economic importance of social media, the emergence of wearable, wearable for fitness, e-health and life style improvements, and the use of web analytics for social media enhancements, business intelligence and business empowerment.

With the wave of phishing attacks against celebrities, high profile government officials, and nationals on social media, this conference is timely. Most importantly, we seek recommendations, solutions and advice on ways, methods and techniques for protecting our digital society.

The aim of the Social Media 2019 is to encourage participation and promotion of collaborative scientific, industrial and academic inter-workings among individual researchers, practitioners, members of existing associations, academia, standardisation bodies, and including government departments and agencies. The purpose is to build bridges between academia and industry, and to encourage interplay of different cultures.

Social Media 2019 invites researchers and industry practitioners to submit papers that encompass principles, analysis, design, methods and applications. All submitted papers are independently peer-reviewed.

The conference proceedings will be submitted for consideration for publishing and listing on the following bibliographic indexes: IEEE Computer Society Digital Library, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, DBLP Computer Science, Scopus, CiteSeerX, Computer Science Index, EI Compendex, Academic Search Complete, CiteULike, Google Scholar & Microsoft Academic Search.

-------------------- KEYNOTE SPEAKERS --------------------------------

* Prof. Aunshul Rege, Associate Professor with the Department of Criminal Justice at Temple University, USA.
* Prof. Mike Hinchey is the Chair of IEEE UK & Ireland Section for 2018-2019.
* Prof. Sadie Creese is a Professor of Cyber Security in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Oxford.
* Prof. Awais Rashid is a Professor of Cyber Security at University of Bristol, UK

-------------------- IMPORTANT DATES --------------------------------

The Deadline for all paper submissions, that is, both full papers and extended abstracts for Poster, WIP, PoC, Research Idea and PhD Seminar presentations is 26th January 2019.
All Industry track, Work in Progress track, Research Ideas track and PhD Seminar track will be published in the conference proceedings. Interested participants, please submit your proposal using the online submission system hosted by Easychair Conference Portal.

-------------------- TOPICS of INTEREST --------------------------------

Original papers are invited on recent advances in Social Media. The topics in Social Media 2019 include but not limited to:

**Social Media**

Advances in Social Media
Social Media theoretical underpinnings
Security in Social Media
Trust and privacy in Social Media
Social Medial Big Data Analysis
Organisational Knowledge Management
Branding and E-Marketing
Realtime Communications and Instant Messaging
Social Network Analysis
Social Media Technologies
Learning, Communities & Skills development
Cultural Impacts
Digital Contents
Digital Economics
Measurement and analysis of social and crowdsourcing systems
Social and Digital Inclusion
Digital Trust and Reputation
Bridging Geographical and Location Gaps
Policy, Legal, Legislation & Compliance


Advances in Wearable
Wearable in e-Health
Wearable in Fitness
Wearable and Bring You Own Devices (BYOD) in the Enterprise
Security, Trust and Privacy in Wearable
Wearable Technologies
Economic Importance of Wearable
Life Style Impacts
Interaction, Interface and Customisation
Design Requirements and Requirements Analysis
Aesthetics and Design

**Web Analytics**

Advances in Web Analytics
Web Analytics for Law Enforcement and Security Monitoring
Legal Issues of Web Analytics
Law, Legislation and Compliance
Security, Trust, Privacy
Web Analytics for Business Intelligence
Web Analytics and Web Surveillance
Web Analytics and Geolocation
Content-Aware analytics
Digital Content
Customisation, e-Marketing and Tailoring
Customer-centric Analysis
Social Network Analysis
Cyber Intelligence
Business Intelligence
Business Analytics & Intelligence
Situational Awareness
Principles, Theory & Research
Endpoint Monitoring, User and Entity Analysis
Application and Session Monitoring
Risk Assessment and Management
Data Mining and Machine Learning in Social Systems
Web Analytics Technologies & Tools

-------------------------------- BEST PAPERS --------------------------------

The best paper of each section will be selected and their author(s) will receive a corresponding Award Certificate. Authors of the Best 20%-25% papers presented at the conference will be invited to adapt their papers for their publication in one of the special issues peer reviewed journals.

Related Resources

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