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FCH 2014 : 2014 Annual Meeting of the Florida Conference of Historians


When Jan 31, 2014 - Feb 1, 2014
Where St Augustine
Submission Deadline Dec 6, 2013
Notification Due Dec 6, 2013
Final Version Due Dec 6, 2013
Categories    history

Call For Papers


The Florida Conference of Historians (FCH) invites faculty, independent scholars, and graduate and undergraduate students to participate in the 2014 annual meeting to be held in historic St Augustine on January 31-February 1, 2014. The FCH welcomes panels and individual papers on all historical subjects and themes. In addition, the FCH accepts panels and papers related to our various Special Interest Sections, which focus on Media, Arts, and Culture, Florida History, and Undergraduate Research. Selected papers will be considered for publication in the FCH Annals: Journal of the Florida Conference of Historians, a peer-reviewed journal.

The FCH is also pleased to offer two best paper awards. Faculty, graduate students, and independent scholars are eligible to compete for the Thomas M. Campbell Award, which is given to the best paper published in the FCH Annals. The J. Calvitt Clarke III Award is given to the best undergraduate research paper. Each award winner will receive $100.00.

Panel and individual paper proposals are due by December 6, 2013. More information on submitting a paper and/or panel, registering, finding hotel accommodations, and important dates may be found on the FCH website:

All conference activity will take place in the host hotel at the Renaissance Resort and Convention Center, easily accessible from I-95 (Exit 323: International Golf Parkway). Rooms are available for a limited time at the special conference rate ($129/night, single; $139/night, double), and reservations must be made by December 20, 2013. The telephone number for reservations is 1-888-789-3090.

This year’s keynote speaker will be Dr. Sherry Johnson of Florida International University in Miami. Dr. Johnson, a specialist in the history of Cuba and Florida, is the author of The Social Transformation of Eighteenth Century Cuba (2001) and Climate and Catastrophe in Cuba and the Atlantic World in the Age of Revolution (2011). She is also the co-editor of The Voyages of Ponce de Leon: Scholarly Perspectives (2012), and her current project focuses on how climate change and weather events have affected history.

Traditionally, the FCH has welcomed in-state, out-of-state, and international participants. This year’s meeting will offer an opportunity to explore historic northeast Florida and participate in one of the nation’s most rewarding regional history conferences.

For additional information, contact Dr. Jesse Hingson, Jacksonville University, at, or call (904) 256-7215.

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