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TPDL-DH 2016 : TPDL 2016 - Leibniz Track on Digital Humanities


When Sep 5, 2016 - Sep 9, 2016
Where Hannover, Germany
Submission Deadline Mar 15, 2016
Notification Due May 22, 2016
Final Version Due Jun 12, 2016
Categories    digital libraries   digital humanities   semantics   scholarly research

Call For Papers

Call for Contributions

Leibniz Track on Digital Humanities (TPDL-DH)
“The Digital Libraries as Digital Humanities engines”

a specialized track of the

TPDL2016 - 20th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries
September 5-9, 2016 in Hannover, Germany
Twitter: @TPDL2016

The Digital Libraries as Digital Humanities engines

Research in Digital Humanities relies on the accessibility to and quality of data. Digital libraries and Web Archives provide a fast growing number of data sets and data bases with metadata and standardized interfaces. From single collection to huge libraries like the Internet Archive “Big Data” is not a metaphor but a reality. To explore the richness of data in libraries and archives is one major task in the area of Digital Humanities. Libraries and archives are digital humanities engines to unlock the treasures with new computer-based approaches.

We invite digital humanists from all walks of academic life to show in detail how to make use of the richness of libraries and archives and apply for the digital humanities track at the upcoming 20th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries “Overcoming the Limits of Digital Archives”. The following topics are of interest, but are not limited to:

- Building corpora out of libraries or archives
- Exploring the semantic of collections
- Making use of data mining techniques based on data of libraries and archives
- Information extraction for digital humanities
- Ontologies building and usage (including named entity recognition, GND etc.)
- The value of metadata for scholarly research
- Visualisation of primary and secondary sources data from DLs for DH research
- Impact and value of digital libraries in humanities research and teaching
- Methodological aspects of developing DLs for scholarly use

Submissions and TPDL Proceedings
The Digital Humanities track of the TPDL 2016 invites submissions (12 pages), short-papers (6 pages). The papers accepted for the specialized track will be published in the regular TPDL Proceedings. Submissions must conform to the formatting instructions of the TPDL conference (

According to the TPDL 2016 rules, inclusion of papers in the proceedings is conditional upon registration of at least one author per paper.

Important Dates
The deadline for submissions is March 15, 2016.
Notification of acceptance: May 22, 2016
Camera ready versions: June 12, 2016

Post-conference Journal Publication
A special issue with selected papers will be negotiated in addition to this publication.

TPDL-DH Track Co-Chairs
- Gerhard Lauer, University Göttingen
- Milena Dobreva , University Malta

Related Resources

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