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EWIC 2018 : The 16th European Workshop on Imagery and Cognition


When Jun 7, 2018 - Jun 9, 2018
Where Padua
Submission Deadline Feb 15, 2018
Notification Due Mar 15, 2018
Categories    imagery   cognition

Call For Papers

Welcome to the 16th European Workshop on Imagery and Cognition (EWIC 2018).

The EWIC is a biennial workshop dedicated to the study of mental imagery and spatial cognition. Other topics of interest to the EWIC include (among others): perception, attention, working memory, and language comprehension. Since the first workshop held in Orsay, Paris in 1986, the EWIC has given scientists from all over the world the chance to share their research in a friendly and scientifically inspiring atmosphere.

Past conferences were held in Orsay, Padua, Aberdeen, La Laguna, Saarbrücken, Oslo, Windsor, Saint-Malo, Pavia, St. Andrews, Utrecht, Helsinki, Bochum, Paphos & Paris.

We are pleased to announce that the EWIC2018 will take place in Padua, hosted by the University of Padua.

Keynote Speakers
*Yann Coello, Lille University
*Cesare Cornoldi, University of Padova
*Cecilia Guariglia, Sapienza University of Rome
*Daniel Schacter, Harvard University

Scientific & Academic Matters
Chiara Meneghetti & Francesca Pazzaglia
(Chairs of the Organizing Committee)
Phone: +39 0498276911

Other Matters
Easy Conferences
Phone: +357 22591900

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