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ICVRV 2014 : The 4th International Conference on Virtual Reality and Visualization


When Aug 30, 2014 - Aug 31, 2014
Where Shenyang Aerospace University, China
Submission Deadline May 31, 2014
Notification Due Jul 10, 2014
Final Version Due Jul 20, 2014
Categories    virtual reality   visualization

Call For Papers

ICVRV 2014, sponsored by China Computer Federation, co-sponsored by the VR Committee of the China System Simulation Association, the VR and Visualization Committee of China Computer Federation, the VR committee of China Society of Image and Graphics and IEEE Computer Society, undertaken by Shenyang Aerospace University, will be held on August 30-31, 2014 in Shenyang, China. At the conference the scientific scholars, engineers and technicians who work in the field of virtual reality and visualization technology will come together to make wide academic exchanges, study development strategy, promote the commercialization of research findings, and work together to boost the development and application of virtual reality and visualization technology. The Proceedings will be published by IEEE CPS, and the papers in the proceedings will be indexed by EI. Selected papers will be recommended to journal publication, such as Springer Transaction on Edutainment (EI indexed).
The conference will invite well known VR experts to give keynote speeches, hold exhibition for newest scientific and technology achievements and provide a platform for the researchers,merchants to show their products.

Conference topics (including, but not limited to)
Modeling Technique
VR system architecture
Volume Rendering
Mixed Reality
Space of Sound
Multi-resolution techniques
Machine Vision
VR sensor technology
Image-based rendering
Point rendering and drawing
Real-time graphics rendering
Data Visualization
Optical Display Technology
Geometry compression
VRML technology
Dynamic Texture Synthesis
Psychology in the VR
Graphics hardware acceleration
Three-dimensional data acquisition techniques
Embedded Graphics System
VR application of pattern recognition
Space positioning technology
Graphics chip
Three-dimensional reconstruction of medical images
Haptic rendering touch
Distributed Virtual Environment
Three-dimensional Geographic Information System
Intelligent Virtual Environment
Regional and Digital Cities, Digital
Multimodal User Interface
Virtual Geographic Environments
Distributed Systems
Application of remote sensing image processing
Collaborative VR
Visualization of Mining and Exploration
Human-computer interaction technology
Growth of virtual plant simulation
Behavioral Modeling
Application of the virtual human body
Augmented reality (AR)
Virtual enterprises and communities
Artificial Life Virtual Design / Manufacturing / Engineering
Digital Entertainment and Education
VR Games
Various types of simulators
VR applications
Virtual Reality Audio Systems
Online Games

Steering Committee:
  Daniel Thalmann, NTU, Singapore and EPFL, Switzerland
  Bohu Li, China
  Qinping Zhao, China
  Tom DeFanti, USA
  Xukun Shen, China
  Xun Luo, USA
  Xiangbin Shi, China
  Zhigeng Pan, China
General Co-Chairs:
  Qinping Zhao, Beihang University, China
  Baodong Chen, Shenyang Aerospace University, China
  Bernd Froehlich, Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar, Germany
Technical Program Committe Co-Chairs:
  Xukun Shen, Beihang University, China
  Xiangbin Shi, Shenyang Aerospace University, China
  Zhigeng Pan, Hangzhou Normal University, China
  Ryohei Nakatsu, National University of Singapore, Singapore
  Xiaopeng Zhang, Institute of Automation, CAS, China
Local Organization Co-Chairs:
  Guodong Zhang, Shenyang Aerospace University, China
  Zhong Zhou, Beihang University, China
Publicity Co-Chairs:
  WeiweiXu, Hangzhou Normal University, China
  Jian Chen, The University of Southern Mississippi, USA

1. Papers are not published elsewhere or submitted to other conferences, journals, no more than 8 pages (regular paper) or 4 pages (short paper);
2. A complete paper should be submitted using the templates when the submission system is available (will be in March 2014,;
3. Papers include: title, summary, text, references, etc.;
4. Language: English only;
5. Contributors must include name, organization, mailing address, telephone, and email address at the end of the paper.
6. Contact email:
7. Conference website:

Important dates
Submission Deadline: May 31, 2014
Notification of acceptance: July 10, 2014
Final paper Submission: July 20, 2014

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