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AEQ-Summer (Knowledge) 2016 : Academic Exchange Quarterly Journal: Summer 2016 (Keyword: KNOWLEDGE) Teachers' Knowledge of Best Practices in Literacy Instruction


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Jan 30, 2016
Categories    education   learning   pedagogy   research

Call For Papers

Academic Exchange Quarterly
Summer 2016 Issue
(Potential future publication in Sound Instruction Book through Academic Exchange Quarterly)

Dr. Malinda (Mindy) Hoskins Lloyd
Assistant Professor
Tennessee Technological University

Issue: Summer 2016, KEYWORD: KNOWLEDGE
(Note: AEQ publishes manuscripts on thousands of topics. Please be sure to search for the Upcoming Summer 2016 Issue and the KEYWORD: KNOWLEDGE.)

Topic’s Title: Teachers’ Knowledge of Best Practices in Literacy Instruction

Focus: Classroom teachers are charged with the task of implementing research-based, best practices in literacy instruction (and across the curriculum) as a means of increasing student achievement; however, with the influx of available online resources (some credible, some not), these practitioners must apply extensive discernment in putting “best practices” to work. Research clearly shows that teachers’ knowledge plays a crucial role in effective instruction. The theory-to-practice nexus remains of the essence.

This edition seeks manuscripts which address the following questions:
• From what sources do teachers acquire their knowledge of research-based, best practices?
• How do teachers act as reflective practitioners, thoughtfully selecting their resources with intentionality in an effort to implement best practices?
• How do teachers sustain their own professional growth in order to increase student achievement?
• On what sources do teachers rely as they plan for instruction? How do these sources impact their students’ achievement?
• How can the application of research-to-practice be facilitated? How can a reciprocal exchange of knowledge occur between researchers and practitioners?

Who May Submit: Submissions are encouraged from researchers, university faculty, administrators, graduate students who are co-authoring with a faculty member, practitioners, and others in the field of education who will positively contribute to the body of literature. Submissions should include the keywords: KNOWLEDGE.

Article Submission Guidelines: Observe 2000-3000 word limit (See for more information.)

To Submit: Visit the following link and click on “2016 Summer KNOWLEDGE: Teachers’ Knowledge” in the left-hand column:
Or visit:

Article Submission Deadline:
“Early” submissions are due by the end of January 2016.

**Please refer to Academic Exchange Quarterly’s website for complete details.**

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