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ICS exchange 2025 : Inclusion, Communication and Social Engagement


When Jun 5, 2025 - Jun 7, 2025
Where Foggia, Mattinata and Manfredonia, Italy
Submission Deadline Mar 29, 2025
Categories    communication   education   digital humanities   technology

Call For Papers

The University of Foggia's Learning Sciences institute is promoting the second edition of the international conference ICS exchange ( for the month of June 2025. ICS exchange is a three-day event dedicated to the promotion and deepening of scientific knowledge in the fields of education, psychology, communication and educational technologies. It is designed to bring together university professors, researchers, professionals, educational developers and entrepreneurs interested in discussing and sharing multidisciplinary approaches, combining the perspectives of psychology, education, inclusion, communication, learning, digital humanities, learning technologies and social engagement.

After last year's inaugural edition, the conference now aims to continue exploring learning paths that incorporate digital communication in innovative and inclusive ways and the improvement of psychological and relational life, in a triple helix that intersects psychological studies, educational and pedagogical practices and opportunities offered by digital technology. The conference covers topics such as the applications of social media in psychology and educational studies, the intersection between emotions, learning and social engagement, innovative strategies and practices of teaching, learning and assessment, new frontiers of inclusion, communication and social engagement.

This Second Edition of ICS exchange is free, thus no fee is required. It is open to all researchers, including early stage researchers, that are encouraged to apply. Indeed, ICS exchange aims to promote a community of practice in this field, offering different perspectives from multidisciplinary fields (e.g. psychology, education, communication).

All submissions must be made electronically March 29, 2025, through the online submission system on EasyChair.

Contributions must be in English and should be submitted in the form of an abstract with references (max 2 pages).

Please remember to select exactly one track (general or special) during the submission process on the EasyChair platform.

At least three members of the program committee will review all submissions and will provide an evaluation according to the following criteria:

originality and novelty
quality and accuracy
relevance to the conference
impact in the fields of the conference
evidence (theoretical or empirical)
presentation and clarity
The authors of accepted abstracts will be asked to present their work at the Conference. The accepted abstracts will be available in a digital book of abstracts of the Conference (with ISBN).

The authors of the accepted contributions will be invited to submit an extended version of their work in the form of a final full paper (at least 12 pages comprising references). Full papers will undergo a second round of reviews.

Accepted full papers, whose authors will have attended the workshop (at least one registered author), will be included, free of charge, in the workshop post-proceedings, published in Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series, indexed in Scopus and other important indexing databases.

If the authors desire to publish open access their paper, this is possible through the Springer Open Choice. Authors will have to communicate this to the organization, sign a special copyright form, different from the standard one, and provide the billing address of the authors/their organization for the invoice. Each paper will be invoiced individually.

Related Resources

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